- quantum fluctuation theory 量子涨落理论
- Methods By utilizing the principle of superposing states in quantum mechanics and the general theory of multimode squeezing states, the quantum fluctuation of the general both electronic and magnetic field component were figured. 方法根据量子力学中的态叠加原理并利用多模压缩态理论,推出广义电场和广义磁场分量的量子涨落情况。
- Using mean_field theory, the effects of the interfacial quantum fluctuation on the dielectric property of a ferroelectric superlattice is studied within the framework of the transverse Ising model. 应用平均场理论,在横场伊辛模型的框架内,研究了界面量子起伏对铁电超晶格介电性质的影响。
- The quantum fluctuation of this mesoscopic coupling circuit is also discussed. 该文还讨论了介观电容耦合电路的量子涨落。
- And the quantum fluctuation of charge and current in the mesoscopic circuit in squeezed states are strdied, too. 还讨论了在压缩态下的电荷和电流的量子涨落。
- But quantum fluctuations change the situation. 可是量子涨落改变了情况。
- Quantum fluctuations of the voltage and current of each branch in vacuum state are studied with this basic theory. 在此基础上,研究了真空态下各支路电流和电压的量子涨落。
- And we also calculated the quantum fluctuation of both charge and magnetism flux in squeezing Schrodinger cat state.We found that the squeezed intension is stronger in squeezing Schrodi... 并对压缩薛定谔猫态下的量子涨落进行了计算,发现压缩薛定谔猫态下磁通和电荷的量子涨落具有比薛定谔猫态下程度更高的压缩和反压缩效应。
- The liquid superheat limit and critical radius of bubbles in homogeneous nucleateboiling are determined in the present paper by using density fluctuation theory of statistical theomodynamics. 利用统计热力学密度涨落理论确定了均质沸腾时液体的极限过热度及汽泡的临界半径。
- In contrast to the polyacetylene, where the bond order wave exists well in arbitrary coupling, the effect of the quantum fluctuation on CDW of MX solid distinctly depends on the coupling. 对聚乙炔,无论电-声耦合作用强弱,键序波(BOW)总存在。 而对MX络合物,计算表明,量子起伏对CDW的削弱作用依赖于电-声耦合作用的强弱。
- The quantum fluctuation in incipient ferroelectrics 先兆性铁电体中量子涨落
- The coupling inductance helps to reduce the quantum fluctuations of the electric current. 耦合电感有助于减小电流的量子涨落。
- This property of the quantum fluctuations is known in statistical mechanics as ergodicity. 这个量子涨落的性质在统计力学中称为遍历性。
- Generation of squeezing and the quantum fluctuations at finite temperatures in a mesoscopic time-dependent capacitive coupled circuit. 介观含时电容耦合电路中压缩的产生及其在有限温度下的量子涨落。
- The quantum fluctuations, distributions, and second correlations of Cooper pairs and Josephson superfluidity in the two cases are discussed. 讨论了两种情形下库珀对与约瑟夫森超流性的量子噪声、分布及二阶相关特性。
- Early on, gravitational quantum fluctuations may have been so enormous that matter barely registered;it was a tiny raft tossed on a roiling ocean. 在早期,重力的量子涨落可能已经强到让物质就像在怒海中翻腾的渺小竹筏,难以被注意到。
- For different states of the mesoscopic capacitive coupled electric circuit, reduction of quantum fluctuations induced by the coupling was studied. 对于电容耦合电路的不同实际状态,研究了完全由耦合引起的量子涨落减小问题。
- economic cycle fluctuation theories 经济周期波动理论
- The result shows that the quantum fluctuations of the voltage and current of each branch relate with parameter of the circuit element, and decay with time. 结果表明,各支路电流电压的量子涨落均与电路器件的参数有关,且随时间衰减。
- The market stead after last week's fluctuation. 继上周的波动之后,市场稳定下来了。