- quantitative rate equation 量比方程式
- Rate Equation Analysis of the Microcavity Laser[J]. 引用该论文 张存洲;潘潇宁;张光寅.
- Not all reactions have such simple rate equations. 并非所有反应都具有这种简单的速度方程式。
- Using model of coronal and non-coronal radiation,ionization rate equation has been solved respectively. 在日冕和非日冕两种模型下,分别求解了电离速率方程。
- The kinetics of deep oxidation of butene-2 and butadiene obeyed the empirical rate equation. 丁烯-2及丁二烯深度氧化动力学服从经验速度方程。
- A new topology-related individual grain growth rate equation was derived under the assumption of the statistical grain model. 基于三维个体晶粒表面积的变化率与晶粒拓扑性质之间的定量关系和晶粒尺寸-面数关系的假设,推导了一个拓扑相关的个体晶粒长大速率方程。
- The rate equation formalism is used to develop the concepts of laser threshold, population inversion and modulation response. 比例方程式形式用来生成雷射临界点、能态数反转与调变反应的概念。
- The purpose of this study is to find the delignification rate equation of pennisetum (napier grass) by Soda pulping method. 摘要本论文是有关于利用苏打法制浆法蒸煮狼尾草,寻求脱除木质素之速率方程式以作为制浆设计之用。
- Results of this kind reinforce the need for caution in applying the quantitative rates obtained in the mouse to the problem of risk estimates. 这类结果说明,将小鼠试验所得的数值应用于人的危害估价时必须更加小心。
- In this paper, the unstable interior diffusion equation with precise solution of flaky pellet and the macroscopic reaction rate equation are given. 文章给出了薄片颗粒的不稳定内扩散方程及其精确解,并导出了宏观反应速率方程。
- Analytic resolution of rate equation for the nonradiative depopulation not equal to zero is derived for the first times. 结果表明,微腔激光器自发发射到腔模的较高的耦合效。
- The initial reaction rate equation of calcium ions or zinc ions was dCCa/d(t)[mol-1s-1]=0.000109C0.796 and dCZn/d(t)[mol-1s-1]=0.0000405 C0.317 respectively. 实验结果表明;钙或锌离子的初始反应速率方程分别为:dCCa/d(t)[mol-1s-1]=0.;000109 C0
- A mathematical foraging model was constructed based on the rate equation for the purpose of studying the collective behavior of heterogeneous swarm robot foraging. 为了系统研究异构群体机器人执行觅食任务时的群体行为,以比率方程为基础,构建了觅食任务的数学模型。
- The linear relation of gain on carrier density in the conventional rate equation is replaced by the logarithmic relation (gain saturation effect) for quantum well (QW) lasers. 用量子阱激光器增益与载流子浓度的对数关系(增益饱和效应)取代了体材料的线性关系,得到了适用于量子阱结构的速率方程,详细分析和计算了这一修正的影响。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- The adsorption process of n butyl acetate in a packed bed of activated carbon fiber is studied. The adsorption rate equation and the adsorption order and adsorption balance constant of Freundlich adsorption isotherm equation are obtained. 研究了醋酸丁酯在活性炭纤维床层中的吸附过程 ,获得吸附速率方程和 Freundlich吸附等温方程的吸附级数、吸附平衡常数。
- The behavior of coke formation of benzene on AF-5 zeolite was studied using a differential reactor. Rate equation of coke formation and correlations between amount of coke deposition, reaction time and partial pressure of benzene were established. 本文采用微分反应器研究苯在AF-5分子筛催化剂上的结焦规律,在试验范围内得到了结焦速率式,结焦量与反应时间和苯分压的关联式。
- Having no fixed quantitative value. 变量的没有固定数量值的
- On the basis of studying a new relaxation mechanism, we revised the rate equation of anelasric strain, and then using Boltzmann superposition principle, the formula of ultrasonic attenuation with IRD is derived. 在研究新的弛豫机制的基础上,修正了滞弹性应变的速率方程,并利用玻耳兹曼叠加原理,导得具有红外发散的超声吸收公式。
- By using Q-switched rate equation with the Cr~(4+):YAG as the saturable absorber and combining the analysis of the ARR structure,the simulated calculation is in good agreement with the experimental result. 根据Cr4+:YAG慢饱和吸收体的调Q速率方程,结合对ARR结构的理论分析,计算机模拟结果和实验数据相当吻合。