- A quantitative method of isotonic strength. 北体学报,第16期。
- "China SOA Survey" will combine qualitative method with quantitative method. "中国SOA应用调查"将采用定量和定性结合的调研方法。
- Objective: Establishing a quantitative method for determining emodin and chrysophanol in Compound Rhubarb Tincture to control its quality. 目的:建立复方大黄酊中大黄素和大黄酚的含量测定方法,控制复方大黄酊的生产质量。
- Titrimetry (volumetry) is a quantitative method using solution chemistry to determine the concentration of analyte. 滴定法(容量法)是利用溶液化学来测定分析物浓度的定量分析方法。
- AQi CK DSE is a realiable and quantitative method to analyse the left ventricular function and WMA of CAD. AQi CK DSE检测冠心病患者WMA及左心功能的改变 ,为冠心病早期诊断提供了一种安全准确可定量的方法。
- Shen H, Lu YD.Study on the quantitative method of immunohisto chemistry[J ].J Biomed Eng, 1993, 10(4): 281-4. [4]申洪;陆药丹.;免疫组织化学染色的定量方法研究[J]
- Qualitative and quantitative methods are employed in this study. 本论文采用了定性和定量的研究方法。
- The usual quantitative method for fault sealing analysis are SGR,CSP,SSF,etc.,in which SGR is the best. 目前世界上应用于断层封堵性分析的常用定量算法中,以泥岩断层泥比即SGR算法最为常用,效果也最好。
- Objective:To establish the quantitative method of Piperine in White Piper Piece by HPLC. 目的:用HPLC测定白胡椒饮片中胡椒碱的含量。
- In this paper, using the thermo-decomposition quantitative method to determine thecontent of alite in cement clinker has been studied. 本文研究了利用热分解法测定硅酸盐水泥熟料中阿里特含量的方法。
- Computerized lung-sound analysis is a sensitive and quantitative method to identify wheezing by its typical pattern on spectral analysis. 计算机化的肺部听诊分析是通过特有的波谱分析模式鉴定哮鸣音的一种敏感而定量的方法。
- Aim To establish a quantitative method for detecting bacterial endotoxin in dextran 20 soldium chloride injection through kinetic turbidimetric assay. 目的探讨建立动态浊度法定量测定右旋糖酐20氯化钠注射液中细菌内毒素的方法。
- Combining the fuzzy synthetic evaluation and AHP,we put forward a new sort of quantitative method which could evaluate the port function. 将层次分析法与模糊综合评判方法相结合,提出了一种新的定量的港口功能评价方法。
- A quantitative method was developed to analyse causes and to propose countermeasures to improve renewability of water ... 本文结合“黄河断流”问题,重点探讨河流水体水资源量可再生性的量化方法。
- Quantitative Methods for Investment Analysis, Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. 投资定量的分析方法。
- Objective: To establish a quantitative method of determination of epicatechin in Rhizoma fagopyri dibotoryis by HPLC-electrochemical detection. 目的:建立可测定金荞麦饮片中表儿茶素含量的高效液相色谱-电化学检测法。
- Objective:To develop a HPLC quantitative method for the determination of chlorgenic acid and baicalin in Yinhuang Oral liquid. 目的:建立HPLC同时测定银黄口服液中绿原酸和黄芩苷含量的方法。
- Conclusion Flow cytometry is a reliable, rapid, and quantitative method for detcting lymph node micrometastasis in colorectal cancer. 结论流式细胞术检测大肠癌淋巴结微转移是一种可靠、快速及定量的理想方法。
- It is the first time to apply this quantitative method to compile the quantitative lithofacies palaeogeography maps in the Tarim area. 这种定量的岩相古地理图在塔里木地区还是首次出现。
- Employing microscopical quantitative method to determine the content of Chinese honey locust in Qifeng powder and Jingfeng powder is workable, the determination result is trusty. 显微定量法测定脐风散与惊风散中猪牙皂的含量是可行的 ,结果可靠