- quantification of risk factors 风险因素量化
- Analysis of risk factors for postmenopausal osteoporosis. 绝经后妇女骨质疏松危险因素的临床分析。
- The analysis of risk factor in cholelithiasis with type 2 diabetes. 2型糖尿病合并胆结石的危险因素分析。
- Article 6A commercial bank shall establish an independent validation system so as to ensure the accuracy and steadiness of its internal ratings and quantification of risk parameters. 第六条商业银行应建立独立的验证体系,确保内部评级及风险参数量化的准确性和稳健性。
- On the basis of study of risk factors,some preventive meas-ures, which inclu... 通过正确地评估提出针对性的预防措施:缓解局部压力,减少磨擦力和剪力,避免潮湿,增加营养。
- As one of the critical steps, identification of risk factors affects the sequent risk evaluation directly. 摘要风险因素辨识作为风险评价的关键环节之一,其结果直接影响后续的风险评价。
- To obtain data on the prevalence of risk factors for diabetes in the Asian American population. 取得亚裔美国族群的糖尿病危险因素盛行率。
- Analysis of risk factors for nosocomial infection of urological surgical department. 泌尿外科医院感染危险因素分析。
- Statins should be considered only for kids with the worst combination of risk factors. 只有针对存在最坏的风险组合的孩子才能考虑使用斯达汀。
- There was no concordance between trend of risk factors and trend of disease rates. (4)人群危险因素水平趋势与疾病率趋势无显著一致性。
- A thermometer is used in the quantification of temperature. 温度计用於温度的定量化。
- Zeng Z, Li Q, Zheng CP. The analysis of risk factor in cholelithiasis with type 2 diabetes. Liaoning Yi Xue Za Zhi. 曾哲,李乔,郑春鹏。2型糖尿病合并胆结石的危险因素分析。辽宁医学杂志。
- Including risk, risk subject, risk factor, risk object, state of risk, risk event etc. 包括:风险,风险主体,风险因素,风险客体,风险状况,风险事件等。
- Risk factors: the risk of raw material prices, timely delivery of purchased items of risk, high-end market risk, the risk of product substitution. 风险因素:原材料涨价风险、外购件供货及时性风险、高端市场开拓风险、产品替代风险。
- "A better understanding of risk factors for and mechanisms of lower-GI tract bleeding in NSAID users will be required to address risk reduction. “更好地理解低胃肠道出血发生的风险和机理是减少非甾体类抗炎药的使用危险所需要的。”
- Objective To investigate the relationship of risk factors and complications with mother and neonate in the pregnancy-induced hypertension disease. 目的探讨妊娠期高血压疾病的相关高危因素及其并发症与母婴预后的关系。
- Objective To find out exposure level and distributional characteristics of risk factors for stroke in sampling population among communities. 摘要目的了解我国四城市40岁以上人群脑卒中危险因素暴露水平及其地区分布特征。
- Common toxicity criteria III were used for grading of RP.Univariate analysis by Fisher's exact test was used for analysis of risk factors. 放射性肺炎之分级系依共通毒性标准第三版,并以单变数分析方式分析放射性肺炎之临床危险因子。
- The element of risk gave (an) added zest to the adventure. 这种冒险成分更给探险活动平添几分乐趣。
- Metabolic syndrome(MS) has become major important group of risk factors in cardiovascular diseases,and has changed into a hot spot of incestigation. 代谢综合征(MS)目前被认为是心血管疾病的重要危险因素群,并巳经成为国内外研究的热点。