- quantative research paradigm 定量研究范式
- Action Research: A New Research Paradigm? 行动研究:一种新的研究范式?
- The defects of research paradigm of chemistry didactics exist,and the reasons are various. 化学教学论研究范式的缺陷是客观存在的,其原因是多方面的。
- This kind of research paradigm has guiding meaning of methodology for novel text reading. 这种研究范式对于小说文本解读具有方法论上的指导意义。
- The research paradigm should shift from macro to micro, from exterior to interior and from speculative to constructive. 教学理论的研究范式要实现从宏观转向微观、从外部转向内部、从思辨到建构的时代转向。
- In the context of globalization in the new century, multiculturalism will be the direction of the research paradigm in comparative education. 在新世纪全球化背景下,多元文化主义研究范式正逐步发展成为比较教育研究的方向。
- Main area of industry competitive intelligence is introduced.Change research paradigm of competitive intelligence in corpora-tion in... 指出在这场变革中,竞争情报学术界应扮演理论研究者、践行示范者、倡导推介者的角色,发挥不可替代的作用。
- Comprehending the formation process of the social science is very important to cognize the nature and research paradigm of the social science. 摘要瞭解社会科学的形成过程,对于把握社会科学的基本性质和研究规范,具有重要意义。
- The research paradigm of chemistry didactics may shift form transplant research to reality research,from deductive research to inductive research. 化学教学论研究范式的转换,可由“移植”研究转向“本体”研究,由“演绎”研究转向“归纳”研究。
- What are to be further examined is the research paradigm of nonliteral language, the development of automatic speech and the social and emotional interaction. 但是关于非直义语言的研究范式、自动化加工的发展过程及社会文化、情感因素对它的影响仍然是需要探讨的重要问题。
- With the development of society and the changes in research themes as well as the enrichment of methodology, the research paradigm in comparative education also changes. 随着社会发展和研究议题的变化、方法论和方法体系的丰富、研究视野的扩展,比较教育研究范式也发生相应的转换。
- The author also discusses the function of research model on research paradigm, and puts forward two ways to construct the model of educational sociology: analogy and hypothesis. 论证了研究模型对研究范式的作用,讨论了教育社会学模型建构的两类方式:模型建构的类比法与模型建构的假设法。
- This theory criticizes the traditional research paradigm of positivism and "instrumental rationality" in capitalism society, and regenerates "communicative rationality". 这一理论对传统实证主义的研究范式进行了深刻的批判,对资本主义社会中的“工具理性”进行了批判,并重建了“交往理性”。
- Generalizing and advancing the new research paradigm of population theory provided by Brujin.This paper provides an analytic framework of "Verstehen Demography". 根据学者布如金所提出的人口理论研究新范式,在对其进行概括和拓展的基础上,提出了“理解人口学”的分析框架。
- According to Kuhn's theory of paradigm, the development of Didactics is reflected as the change and replacement of teaching research paradigm, and the development of teaching theory is in the crisis stage. 根据库恩的范式理论,教学论的发展应表现为教学论研究范式的嬗变与更替;教学论的发展目前处于危机阶段。
- The humanistic spirit of the qualitative research opposes the positivistic atonism and advocates a kind of research paradigm of holism that is shown in the qualitative research is the naturalism research manner and holistic research strategy. 质化研究的人文精神反对实证主义的原子论 ,倡导的是一种整体主义的研究范式 ,这在质化研究中表现为自然主义的研究态度和整体主义的研究策略。
- After a review of the history of the dichotomy of "langue" and "parole" in the study of language, this article criticizes the research paradigm of structuralists and that of pragmaticists. 本文在追溯了语言学研究中“语言”与“言语”二分的历史渊源之后,对传统结构主义语言学重“语言”而轻“言语”的研究范式和后来的语用学派对这种范式的反拨分别进行了述评。
- As a special research paradigm and working pattern, JR enjoys three basic features: systematically gather data, scientifically analyze data, and provide decision making support for school management. 作为一种特定的研究范式和工作模式,系统收集数据,科学分析数据,为学校管理提供决策支持,是院校研究的三个基本特征。
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- The formation of research paradigms of disciplines lies on the construction of research models. 而学科研究范式的形成又主要依赖于研究模型的建构。