- The quality of economic growth and the performance of the national economy improved. 经济增长质量和效益进一步提高。
- First the paper discusses in detail that IOST functions in economic growth: IOST is the sole route of changing the mode and gaining high quality of economic growth. 文章首先着重论述了科技创新在经济增长中的作用:科技创新是转变经济增长方式和获得高质量经济增长的唯一途径;
- It has coordinated economic and social development, stressed the quality of economic growth, boosted development of social undertakings and tried to create the sound environment for people's all-round development. 统筹经济社会发展,强调经济增长质量,加大社会事业发展力度,创造有利于人全面发展的良好环境。
- The quality and efficiency of economic growth improved constantly. 经济增长质量和效益不断提高。
- An acceleration in the rate of economic growth. 经济发展速率的增长。
- Mr.Reagan's nearly $2 trillion in Federal and trade debt(or $30,000 per family) will be a ball and chain around the neck of economic growth. 里根先生将近2兆联邦及贸易负债(亦即每户3万元)将是经济成长的绊脚石。
- Improving the quality of industrial operation and fostering new points for economic growth. (二)提高工业运行质量,积极培育新的经济增长点
- Food and Beverage Industry is the Roll Booster of Economic Growth. 餐饮业助推经济增长。
- What are the Motive Forces of Economic Growth at Present in China? 我国目前经济增长的动力何在?
- In other words, the process of economic growth is under way. 换句话说,经济增长过程正在进行。
- The fundamental goal of economic development is to uplift the living standards and quality of life of the people. 发展经济的根本目的是提高全国人民的生活水平和质量。
- In debates with Anglo-American capitalists, wily bons vivants have tended to cite the idea of “quality of life”to excuse slower economic growth. 那些狡猾的讲究奢侈生活的人在与英美资本家的辩论中往往引用“生活质量”的概念作为经济增长变慢的借口。
- Everyone is encouraged by the rapid momentum of economic growth. 经济迅猛发展的派势令人倍受鼓舞。
- In debates with Anglo-American capitalists, wily bons vivants have tended to cite the idea of "quality of life" to excuse slower economic growth. 在和盎格鲁血统的美国人争论时,那些老谋深算的奢华贵族们就常常打出“生活质量”的招牌来美化本国缓慢的经济增长速度。
- One of the top priorities of my administration is to promote further economic growth,so as to create wealth for the people and to improve the quality of life for all. 特区政府其中一个优先处理的问题就是去进一步促进经济发展,为民创富,并提高生活质素。
- One of the top priorities of my administration is to promote further economic growth, so as to create wealth for the people and to improve the quality of life for all. 特区政府其中一个优先处理的问题就是去进一步促进经济发展,为民创富,并提高生活质素。
- The condition or quality of being pure or chaste. 纯洁纯洁或贞洁的状况或者品质
- the quality of economic growth 经济增长质量
- He possesses the quality of inspiring confidence. 他有本事能让别人信任他。
- The state or quality of being null. 无效无效的状况或性质