- According to the inductive factors,some measures for preventing blasting quality accidents are brought forward. 针对诱发因素,提出了预防爆破质量事故的具体措施。
- So far, "he House" for all of the "Fuk Lok" quality accidents impaired consumers have been paid. 至此,“居然之家”对所有因“福乐”质量事故受损的消费者都进行了赔付。
- In view of some quality accidents, organization group carries on the quality analysis, prevents the similar situation occurrence. 针对一些质量事故,组织组员进行质量分析,防止类似情况发生。
- In order to avoid the quality accidents during the construction,it is very important to evaluate the safety state of falsework. 探讨机关办公网络的数据流特点 ,并提出一种适合部队和政府机关办公网络的树状安全状态机模型。
- In connection with the common quality accidents of the R.C.structure,this article makes analysis as well as puts forward the corresponding treatment methods. 文章就钢筋混凝土结构常见的质量事故进行分析,并提出相应的处理方法。
- The State shall establish a reporting system for quality accident and a notifying system of medical devices. 国家建立医疗器械质量事故报告制度和医疗器械质量事故公告制度。
- There is no large quality accident, the degree of the consumer's satisfaction reach 8. 无重大质量事故,顾客满意征询达到8分以上;
- Although the liability to pay compensation for product quality accident is liability for tort,it is also the liability for contract. 产品质量事故的赔偿责任尽管属于侵权法范畴,但同时存在侵权责任与合同责任的竞合。
- The keeper is in custodial process, responsibility heart is not strong, the job is careless, appear easily also pilfer and quality accident. 保管员在保管过程中,责任心不强,工作马虎,也易出现偷盗与质量事故。
- Cuplock scaffold bracing system was successfully used in those locations,and no any safety or quality accident took place in the whole process of construction. 在该部位顶板模板施工中成功应用了碗扣式钢管脚手架支撑体系,整个施工过程中未出现任何安全及质量事故。
- In order to ensure quality and quality management departments often regularly exhibited typical quality accident analysis, raise awareness, so that the same problem. 为了确保质量质量管理部门经常定期召开典型质量事故展示分析会,提高认识,不让同样的问题重复出现。
- Comprehensive Analyses on Momentous Construction Quality Accidents 重大工程质量事故综合分析
- Analysis on quality accidents of ring frame structure engineering 某环状框架结构工程质量事故分析
- In this paper,through the analysis of the engineering quality accident of the top circle beam in a certain big wineshop,a mechanical model of the reinforced concrete circle beam is proposed. 通过对某大酒店顶层环梁质量事故的分析,提出了钢筋混凝土环梁计算的力学模型,经过计算和分析,找出了环梁支座处出现裂缝的原因,并给出正确的计算结果,使事故得以及时处理。
- With the project example of Huaxing Mansion, authors introduce reasons of concrete quality accident in basement, analyze strengthening methods and give out the effect after being treated. 根据华兴大厦工程实例,阐明了该工程地下室混凝土产生质量事故的原因,分析了加固补强的方案及处理后的效果。
- Abstract: Based on the analysis results of a quality accident in an office building, it is concluded that the turning effect of floorslab to beam must be taken into account in plane girder design. 摘 要: 通过对某综合楼的质量事故分析,指出板与梁为不完全弹性连接,大跨度板拆模时间的瞬时(动态)挠曲对支承梁的影响非常大。
- Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. 就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。
- The Shocked Project Quality Accidents and Several Preventive Proposal 令人震惊的质量事故和几点防范建议