- Extended n-alkanes also existed in the pyrolytic products of recent plank ton blue-green algae. 在近代浮游生物蓝绿藻的热解产物中也存在高碳数的正构烷烃。
- Then, the potential applications of pyrolytic products and the substitution of pyrolytic fuels for corresponding commercial furls were investigated. 对固体废物热解产物的物性、成分、燃烧特性等开展了研究,分析了其与现有商业燃料匹配的可能性;
- The structural evolution of the pyrolytic products of PI film during the carbonization have been measured by using X ray diffraction technique. 用X射线衍射技术测定了PI(聚酰亚胺)薄膜在炭化过程中热裂解固态产物结构的演变。
- The characteristics of pyrolytic products (pyrolytic oil, char and gas), such as physical and chemical properties, composition and combustibility, etc, were investigated. 对各种典型固体废物在回转窑内的热解机理和主要热解产物(热解油、气、炭)的性质进行了研究;
- Many substances in the pyrolytic products of PDS were similar to the aroma components in cigarette smoke, and the smoking quality of cigarette containing PDS was better than that of cigarette cont... PDS的裂解产物中含有多种与烟草致香物质相近的成分,同等条件下其改善烟气的作用优于丙二醇。
- Pyrolysis products from a FB pyrolyzer can be utilized as high quality fuel or chemical feedstocks. 热解产品(气、液、固)可作为很有价值的工业燃料或原料。
- In order to maximize the liquid yield and glucide content in biomass pyrolysis products,acid wash pretreatment was usually adopted. 为获得液体产量的最大化和提高产物中糖类的质量分数,采用盐酸(3%25、5%25、7%25)、磷酸(7%25)和硫酸(7%25)对纤维素进行酸洗预处理。
- In this experiment,fluidization reactor and seals,and circulation system were used to make the pyrolysis products de composing and gasifying rapidly and steadily. 试验采用了沸腾床反应器及密封体系,使裂解物快速稳定分解气化。
- J. D. DeHaan , and K. Bonarius , ”Pyrolysis product of structure fire ,” Journal of the Forensic Sciences Society Vol.28 , 1988, pp299-309. 汤茂信,顶空固相微萃取法于低价醇及酮类等分析物检测之应用,硕士论文,中央警察大学消防科学研究所,桃园,2003。
- During the pyrolysis processing, PC polymer molecule chains were cleavage and fragments were rearranged.Finally, pyrolysis products were mainly phenolic compounds. 升温过程中PC分子链发生断裂和重排生成多种以酚类为主的小分子化合物。
- The technique of pyrolysis and chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC/MS) was applied to analyze the organic components in gaseous pyrolysis products from the given cut rags. 应用热解吸与气相色谱-质谱联用技术,对某品牌卷烟烟丝的热解气体产物进行了成分分析。
- The place is known for its handicraft products. 这地方因出手工艺品而出名。
- Argentina is a big exporter of beef products. 阿根廷是牛肉制品的一大出口国。
- Many customers spoke for these new products. 很多顾客订购了这些新产品。
- The reaction pyrolysis mechanism of polycarbosilane (PCS) precursor systems with active filler Al and inert filler SiC was investigated by TG-DTA, XRD and ELEM of the pyrolysis products at different temperatures under a flowing nitrogen stream. 以热重 -差热 (TG -DTA)、流动氮气气氛中不同裂解温度下产物的X射线衍射 (XRD)和元素线扫描 (ELEM)方法研究了含活性填料Al,惰性填料SiC的聚碳硅烷 (PCS)先驱体的裂解 -反应机理。
- In the anhydrous pyrolysis products of the Tetrahymena phriformis (Protozoa), extractable organic matter (EOM) is abundant, the chloroform extract accounts for 17.5%of the aliphatic fraction, in which total hydrocarbon fractions are up to 8.99%. 在原生动物门梨形四膜虫的无水热解模拟实验产物中;可溶有机质含量丰富;氯仿抽提物含量高达17.;5%25;其中总烃相对含量可达8
- The country's main products are gold and cocoa. 这个国家的主要产品是可可和黄金。
- Cereal products are good for our health. 谷物产品对我们的身体有益。
- They found some new outlets for their products. 他们为自己的产品找到了一些新的市场。
- He has a bias against Japanese products. 他讨厌日本的产品。