- The property was put up for sale. 财产被拿出去卖了。
- After old Tom's death,the furniture was put up for sale. 老汤姆去世后,家具被拍卖了。
- The country cottage has been put up for sale for years. 这乡村木屋已经出售好多年了。
- Bidders compete for possession of treasures put up for sale. 古董拍卖场里的顾客们正聚精会神的等待开标揭晓。
- B and could be put up for sale by frustrated Juve management in January. 泽比纳被认为在乙级的生涯已经基本到头;他将可能在1月份被陷入困境的尤文出售.
- The frock is being put up for sale by a Garland fan from Britain, who has owned it since 1989. 这件衣裳是英国的一位嘉兰影迷拿出来拍卖的,他从1989年起就拥有它了。
- The copyright of the image will be put up for sale on eBay later this week, Morgan said. 摩根说,该影像的版权将于本周晚些时候在易趣网上拍卖。
- She has put her house up for sale. 她的房子现在出售。
- Once in LA, Danny convinces Westley that the sign is being put up for sale to be replaced with a brand new one. 一到洛杉矶,丹尼就让维斯特利相信好莱坞标志将被出售,而一个全新的会被替换上去。
- Once you know the valuable of things, you can buy them cheap from others and put up for sale them more expensively. 对在注册工作中弄虚作假的,应当按照有关规定严肃处理,确保建造师注册工作健康有序开展。
- The market is facing radical change," said Dieter Ammer, chairman of Beck GmbH& Co., the country's top exporter, which was recently put up for sale. 全国最大的啤酒出口商、克啤酒有限公司的主席说,他们已准备于近日拍卖公司了。
- This occurs when items are put up for sale at a legitimate online auction to lure you into making payments to a fake escrow site. 在合法网络拍卖中出售物品以诱使您向假付款网站付款就属于这种行为。
- BALTIMORE,US-The Wall street institute(WSI),a famous international multimedia English languuage teaching franchies was put up for sale in May. 国际著名的多媒体英语教学机构-华尔街学院(WSI),在五月出售了其在美国巴尔的摩的经营权。
- "The market is facing radical change," said Dieter Ammer, chairman of Beck GmbH &Co., the country's top exporter, which was recently put up for sale. 全国最大的啤酒出口商、贝克啤酒有限公司的主席说,他们已准备于近日拍卖公司了。
- The deck chairs have been put up for the winter. 甲板上的那些椅子因冬天不用已经收藏起来了。
- Maniche, Ze Castro, Mista and Fabiano Eller have all been put up for sale as Atletico seek to raise extra funds for their own summer signings. 马切纳,泽卡斯特洛,米斯塔和埃勒已全部作为出售对象来为马竞的夏季引援增加资金。
- Also being put up for sale will be Fabrizio Miccoli and Alessio Tacchinardi, who are away on-loan this season at Benfica and Villarreal respectively. 同样租借在本菲卡的米科利和比利亚雷亚尔的塔齐纳蒂在这个赛季后也将被放进了转会市场。
- The house over there is up for sale. 那边的房子要出售。
- Once you know the valuable of things, you can buy them cheap from others and put up for sale them Wow Power Leveling ore expensively. 理想是有层次的,实现了初级理想,才可能去实现高一级的理想。最理想的境地既不可达,人往往不知退而求其次。
- Several Icelandic banks been put up for sale all at once and control ofthe third-largest bank has passed to the Financial Supervisory Authority. 冰岛的几家银行突然之间就沦落到挂牌拍卖的境地,而该国第三大银行的控制权已被冰岛金融监管局(FinancialSupervisoryAuthority)接手。