- He felt he would be put through the hoop. 他感觉到自己会受到苦难。
- All students are put through the hoop at the beginning of the year,to see if they have the right qualities. 所有的学生年初都要接受检验,看他们是否具有必要的素质。
- All students are put through the hoop at the beginning of the year, to see if they have the right qualities. 所有的学生年初都要接受检验,看他们是否具有必要的素质。
- My new car was put through the mill. 我的新车经过了检验。
- The committee have put him through the hoop. 委员会对他进行了一番严厉的质问。
- The authorities put the dissident author through the hoop by denouncing him as an enemy of the state and putting him under house arrest. 当局谴责那位持不同政见的作家是国家的敌人,并且将他软禁起来,使他受苦受难。
- The dog jumped through the hoop with smart. 狗灵巧地跳过钻圈。
- Jump through the hoop!@ yelled the ringmaster. “跳过铁圈
- Paul expects to put through the attempt. 保罗希望顺利完成这项尝试。
- We can put through the job before dark. 我们能够在天黑以前完成这件工作。
- The trainer jumped the tiger through the hoop. 驯兽师让这只老虎从铁环中跳过去。
- put through the hoop 使经受苦难
- The ball beat the gun and dropped through the hoop just in time. 球在最后一秒钟恰好应声入网。
- They put through the business deal. 他们顺利完成这项交易。
- They put through the business deal . 他们顺利完成这项交易。
- The dog jump through the hoop as clean as a whistle. 狗灵巧地跳过钻圈。
- As commands continued,he hurled through the hoop,turning end over end. 继续发出命令,它窜跳过圈,两头来回地奔跑。
- The new soldiers were put him through the hoop at the beginning of the training. 新兵在训练开始就必须经历磨难。
- The new recruits were put through their paces. 新兵正接受考验。
- The first picture shows a basketball soaring through the air toward the hoop. 第一个画面显示了一个腾越空中向篮圈飞去的篮球。