- The out-of-the-money 49 put option gained as much as 100% intraday. 履约价为49美元的价外看跌期权当 天获利高达100%25。
- A put option is to a CDO what a horse-drawn carriage is to a Ferrari. 卖出期权属于抵押债权凭证的原始形式,就像马车之于法拉利跑车。
- Any Put Option traded could have earned a triple digits return intraday. 当日交易的任何看跌期权盘中都可能获得三位数的回报。
- Black-Scholes pricing model has no analytical formula of American put options,thus it cannot get accurate solution. Black-Scholes定价模型对美式看跌期权不存在解析公式,无法求其精确解。
- They are more likely, in fact, to buy cash pesetas, in order to hedge their put options. 实际上,他们更可能为了抛售他们的认沽期权而购买现金比塞塔。
- Options over a share price index. Index options are cash settled on exercise. See Call Option and Put Option. 指以股票价格指数为基础资产的期权,到期时,用现金结算股票指数差价。
- The volatility index using only put options (IVP) exhibits negative correlation to the spot index return, reflecting the market sentiment of fear. 本文所建立的卖权波动度指标IVP与同期的指数报酬率呈现显著的负相关,显示其具备反映市场恐慌情绪的能力。
- The act of purchasing an "in the money" put option so that the buyer can capitalize on a bear market by effectively shorting a stock without waiting for an uptick. 买入价内看跌期权,买方因此可卖空相关股份,从而可以在熊市里无需等待股价回升而获利。
- A put option provides the right to sell a currency and buy the base currency at the agreed rate. 卖方期权则是一项按商定的汇率卖出一种货币并买进一种基准货币的权利。
- Put options are so dangerous because when markets are volatile, their riskiness does not rise steadily, but spikes very sharply within a very short space of time. 卖出期权的危险在于,当市场动荡不堪时,其风险并非逐步显现,而是在极短的时间内突然爆发。
- The IAM trustees timely exercised the put option, but NWA did not redeem the shares. 工人协会受信人及时地行使了卖权,但是,西北航并没有回购股份。
- Abstract:Callable bonds can be decomposed into bond and bond’s call option, while puttable bonds can be decomposed into bond and bond’s put option. 摘要: 摘要:可赎回债券可以分解成普通债券和债券看涨期权的组合,可回售债券可以分解成普通债券和债券看跌期权的组合。
- Or they can ensure the over electricity could sell out at an anticipant price by buy and sell call option and put option. 水电商也可以通过购买看涨或看跌期权,保证水电厂合约外的剩余电量在期望价格销售,减少弃水。
- This paper gives VaR formula of Europe style call option and put option whose mark is stock according to logarithmic normal dis tributions stock's price change . 根据股票价格变化的对数正态分布模型;给出标的物为股票的欧式看涨期权和欧式看跌期权的VaR计算方法.
- A put option confers the right but not the obligation to sell currencies, instruments or futures at the option exercise price within a predetermined time period. 在预先决定的时间段内以期权行使价格卖出货币、金融票据或期货的权利,但这不是义务。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- When markets are booming, or even just stable, selling "out-of-the-money" put options, with a strike price far below the current market price of the asset, is a route to easy money. 当市场繁荣或较为平稳时,以远低于标的资产市场现价的执行价格卖出“价外”卖出期权根本就是在捡钱。
- Under the hypothesis of continuous dividend, if the continuous dividend rate is p ,then the price of stock St submit to the stochastic differential equation:we get European call and put option pricing formula and their parity. 在假定股票支付连续的红利率p,且服从跳一扩散过程时得到了股票价格又所满足的随机微分方程为擎一(r一。一*二(。,))“十。飒+u‘从Ot并且在此基础上得到此类支付红利的跳一扩散过程下的欧式看涨看跌期权的定价公式及其它们之间的平价公式.
- She married a man who put her on a pedestal. 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。