- With its steady deepening,the work for development-oriented assistance to the poverty-stricken areas should be standardized and institutionalized and gradually put into the orbit of the legal system. 随着贫困地区扶贫开发的不断深入,中国的扶贫开发工作将进一步制度化、规范化,逐步纳入法制轨道。
- With its steady deepening, the work for development-oriented assistance to the poverty-stricken areas should be standardized and institutionalized and gradually put into the orbit of the legal system. 随着贫困地区扶贫开发的不断深入,中国的扶贫开发工作将进一步制度化、规范化,逐步纳入法制轨道。
- The prisoner was put into the jail with fetters. 这个犯人被戴上脚镣投进了监狱。
- Money put into the credit cards is at call. 划入信用卡的钱可以随时支取。
- The ship put into the harbor at noon today. 船今天中午入港。
- The party are put into the hotel annexe. 该旅游团的游客被安排在这饭店铺楼内下榻。
- The ship has just put into the harbour for repairs. 船刚驶入港口,准备维修。
- The heap of stones was put into the truck. 那堆石子已装上了卡车。
- The waste papermust be put into the wastebasket. 废纸必须放进废纸篓里。
- The murderer has been put into the condemned cell. 杀人犯被关进了死牢里。
- Input is the work put into the machine. 输入就是送进机器的功。
- A lot of work has been put into the short preview. 这个简短的预演投入了大量的工作。
- The party is put into the hotel annexe . 旅游团的成员被分配到饭店的辅楼下榻。
- Satellite was launched into the orbit around the moon. 卫星被发射进入绕月球运行的轨道。
- put into the orbit 送入轨道
- Many names have been put into the hopper. 许多名字已加入到名单中。
- The party is put into the hotel annexe. 该旅游团的游客被安排在这饭店铺楼内下榻。
- She was put into the fast stream. 她被分在了快班。
- The waste paper must be put into the wastebasket. 废纸必须放进废纸篓里。
- It was in this tenement that the personality of my father first came fully into the orbit of my concern. 就是在这所住房,爸爸的为人才第一次完完全全进到跟我有切身利害的圈子里来。