- If we push forward, we can get home before dark. 加紧赶路,在天黑之前就能够到家了。
- How to Push Forward the Interconnection? 如何推动互联互通?
- To advance eagerly; push forward. 呼吁竭力提议;竭力要求
- This statement would give their struggle a great push forward. 这个声明将对他们的斗争起巨大的推动作用。
- The more dangers we encounter, the harder we should push forward. 我们越是艰险越向前。
- The more dangers we encounter,the harder should we push forward. 越是艰险越向前。
- The more dangers we encounter, the harder should we push forward. 越是艰险越向前。
- Victory is already within reach, let's push forward. 胜利已经触手可及,让我们再加把劲儿。
- What a sad existence for those obsessed by such an urge to push forward! 那种无形又跟自己形影不离的压迫感,可怕可怕。
- How do teachers push forward the effective realization of research study? 教师应如何促进研究性学习的有效实施?
- Control the testing progress of projects, push forward project's development. 负责控制项目的测试进度,推进项目的开展。
- The act of gathering in large numbers or of pushing forward. 蜂涌,拥挤大量聚集在一起或向前推挤的行为
- During the next few days the troops push forward into the interior of Anopopei. 接下来的几天中,部队向阿诺波佩岛腹地推进。
- Repeat push forward cyclic completing a minimum of two (2) forward tumbles. 将升降舵打降舵,重覆步骤3,向前翻滚至少二圈。
- He pushed forward to see what had happened there. 他往前挤看发生了何事。
- We are informed that as we push forward, the sand dunes withdraw / recede. 此次我们获取的信息是:我进沙退。
- Free convertibility of the RMB would also like to push forward reform? 人民币自由兑换改革是否还要推进?
- YOS(Yellow Old Shoes),in particular, should spare no efforts to push forward. 黄老鞋尤其应该不遗余力勇往直前。
- The crowd pushed forward to see the Queen. 人群挤向前去看女王。
- This machine is pushing forward with nuclear power. 这机器是用核动力推动。