- Push away men, we'll soon move this rock. 伙计们!继续推,石头马上就要动了。
- Push away, men, we'll soon move this rock. 继续推呀, 伙计们, 这块石头很快就要推动了。
- Zeus had changed Io into a young cow when he saw Hera push away the cloud. 当宙斯看见希拉推开乌云时,他将爱娥变成了只小牝牛。
- Therefore, fans sitting in the balcony behind the basket would push away the ball when the opponent was going to score. 所以,坐在篮框后面的球迷会在对手将要进球的时候将球推出去。
- Go this side ,please .No pushing away. 请从这边走;不要推人.
- Go this side, please. No pushing away(running). 请从这边走,不要推人(不要跑)。
- His arm was pushed away heartlessly. 被云雀恭弥毫不留情的扫开。
- Upon my right hand rise the youth; they push away my feet, and they raise up against me the ways of their destruction. 这等下流人在我右边起来,推开我的脚,筑成战路来攻击我。
- On 62 minutes, Seedorf was denied by Gomes once again and the keeper then got across to push away Cafu’s follow-up. 第62分钟,戈麦斯先后化解了西多夫的射门和卡福的补射。
- Uh-huh,but your new rackets are not well-known,and the look isn't attractive enough-so the higher prices may push away customers. 嗯,但你们这种新球拍名气不大,外观不抢眼,所以高价位会让顾客却步!
- So we always have to be diligent and push away any negative feeling or thinking at any moment because were actually all one. 所以我们时时都要精进,任何时候有否定的感觉或想法,要马上驱除,因为我们真正都是同一体。
- Ina four-step approach, the push away must coincide with the first step.In a five-step delivery, it must be on the second step. 推球的动作不可以先于四步助走的第一步,它必需和第一步的起始脚同步,如果是采用五步助走,则须和第二步一致。
- She nervously pushed away her cake and stewed apricots. 她好象神经质似地把她面前的蛋糕和甜杏仁羹推在一边。
- Think it over, westerner's natural instincts humour, natural advertising humour, it explain like this the easy,it but can push away towards " natural instincts " just? 想来想去,西方人天性幽默,自然广告也幽默,这样解释比较省事,然而只是朝“天性”一推就能了之吗?
- At length, pushing away his plate, Warren Trent observed. 沃伦·特伦特终于推开盘子开口了。
- Milan’s best route to goal was to play the ball in wide areas and from one quick one-two, Cafu drove in a low cross that forced Maninger to get down to push away. 米兰最好的办法就是在开阔地带传球并利用快速的二过一接近球门。卡福再次的低射迫使曼宁格倒地将球挡出。
- Methods Preoperative design was in routine way.To cut the posterior auricular skin and subcutaneous tissue and then dissect and push away the cartilage film using the detacher. 方法先设计常规定点,切开耳后皮肤、皮下组织,剥离耳软骨膜并推向两侧,在软骨上做纵行平行切口,不切透耳软骨。
- If you join in you will be pushed away, either gently or very forcefully. 如果你加入进去,你会被轻轻地或者重重地推开。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。