- This incrementing of the stack pointer for push instructions also ensures that the stack will reach location 0 at the bottom of RAM, and consequently run out of space for the stack. 专题可以分领域,但一般均是由指导老师带领或学生自行收集、思考、再与指导老师讨论出来的题目,其使用之基础同常需要涵盖多方面的,但会专注在这个特定题目上。
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- An instruction to go to a subroutine. 一种转移到子程序去的指令。
- My reins also instruct me in the night seasons. 我的心肠在夜间也警戒着我。
- You may push this button to call the elevator. 你可以按这个按钮叫电梯。
- The little boy used to push out his lower lip. 那个小孩以前老要撅起下嘴唇。
- Let's make a push to get it done tonight. 让我们加把劲今晚把它干完。
- In computer programming, a jump instruction. 计算机程序设计中的一种跳转指令。建议使用jump。
- I am getting push out of the train. 我快被挤出(火)车外了。
- If we push forward, we can get home before dark. 加紧赶路,在天黑之前就能够到家了。
- Please message the instruction by cable. 请用电报传送使用须知。
- Let's push on it's nearly nightfall. 咱们继续往前走吧--天快黑了。
- The catechism is used for religious instruction. 教义问答法常用于宗教教学。
- Push away men, we'll soon move this rock. 伙计们!继续推,石头马上就要动了。
- We had to push our way through (the crowd). 我们只好从(人群)中挤了过去。
- A school for special instruction. 专门学校提供特殊教育的学校
- You push from the back and I'll pull at the front. 你在後面推,我在前面拉。
- An action resulting from a single instruction. 执行命令由单一指令而引起的操作
- I'll have to push on with my work. 我得加油干了。