- The plant has a brilliant purple flower. 那棵植物开著一朵鲜艳的紫花。
- How beautiful the purple flower is! 那朵紫色的花多漂亮啊!
- That plant with purple flowers is flag. 那种开紫花的植物是菖蒲。
- It looked like a purple flower far above the sea floor. 它就像是一朵紫色的花高挂在海底上方。
- Immediately flew past, far away to see a purple flower on the wind flying. 立刻飞奔过去,远远地就看见一朵紫色的小花迎风飞舞。
- European scilla with small blue or purple flowers. 一种具有小的蓝色或紫色花的欧洲绵枣儿。
- California herb with pinkish purple flowers. 具有粉紫色花朵的一种加利福尼亚草本植物。
- Garlic effloresced little purple flowers finally! 蒜头在最后终于开出了小紫花!
- North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of small pinkish or purple flower heads. 北美的一种杂草,具有带紫色或带紫斑色的轮生叶,顶端有头状花序。
- In calm weather the sun could be seen, looking like a purple flower, with the light streaming from the calyx. 在天晴的时候可以看见太阳,像一朵紫色的花,从花萼里射出光芒。
- Scotland's national flower is the setose thistle flower, one kind ofleaf belt punctures purple flower. 苏格兰的国花是蓟花,一种叶子带刺的紫色花。最早在十五世纪被用来当作防御的象征。
- Unable to take him back from the lower world,she sprinkled wine on Adonls' blood and turned it into anemone,a delicate purple flower. 但无法将他从地府再拉回阳间,她便在阿多尼斯的血上洒上葡萄酒,将它变作秋牡丹,一种紫色的小花。
- Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike. 一种生于欧亚的兰花,花呈粉红色或紫色,成疏穗状花序。
- I love these purple flowered trees in San Jose - called Jackoranda. 我爱这些生长在加利福尼亚州圣何塞的布满紫色花的树。
- Little daisy purple flowers waved at Shandie the bumble bee. 小紫花们也很欢迎小蜜蜂仙蒂的到来。
- Lavender is a kind of fragrant purple flower with vast diversified colors, shapes, leaves, as well as fragrances with slight sweetness. 薰衣草是一种馥郁的紫色小花,花朵的颜色及形状、片形状、味均非常多样式,具有香中带甜的芳香。
- Unable to take him back from the lower world, she sprinkled wine on Adonls' blood and turned it into anemone, a delicate purple flower. 但无法将他从地府再拉回阳间,她便在阿多尼斯的血上洒上葡萄酒,将它变作秋牡丹,一种紫色的小花。
- The woman has a house.The house is red.It is not a broun.The man`s track is yellow.The girl has 5 gold coins.The boy brought his mother a purple flower. 用一个肯定特征和一个否定特征分别描述六个人(一个女人、一个男人、一个女孩、一个男孩、你和我)及其拥有的财物。
- North American perennial with hairy basal pinnate leaves and purple flowers and plume-tipped fruits. 北美洲的一种多年生植物,具有多毛的羽状基叶,紫色的花朵,果实顶端有宿存的羽毛状花柱。
- Early spring flower common in British isles having fragrant yellow or sometimes purple flowers. 英国常见早春花,花芳香,黄色或紫色。