- Objective:The purification process of thrombolysin was researched. 目的:研究溶栓素的纯化工艺。
- MDEA is one of the major alcohol amines for gas purification process. 甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)是气体净化工艺中使用的主要醇胺之一。
- Purification process is important in the preparation of injection of TCM. 精制工艺是中药注射剂制备过程的关键环节。
- They obtained a novel protein through a complicated extraction and purification process from Maitake mushroom. 他们获得了一种新型蛋白质经过复杂的提取和纯化过程,从香菇灰树花子实体。
- The fate of different MW organics through water purification process was detected by membrane filtration in this study. 采用膜过滤方法对不同分子量的有机物在净水工艺中的变化情况进行了测定。
- The quality indicator of synthetic diamond obtained by adopting the purification process can reach grade demand. 采用该提纯工艺得到的金刚石品质指标完全达到品级要求。
- Objective To study the extraction and purification process of Hongjingtian Injection. 目的对红景天注射液的提取与精制工艺进行研究。
- Some aspects in the purification processes are also discussed. 讨论了净化工艺中应注意的几个问题。
- The extraction and purification process of starch from lichee stone were studied. 以荔枝核为原料,提取了其中的淀粉,并对其进行了纯化。
- Objective: To study and optimize the purification process of total sterol(glycoside) of Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. 目的:研究和优选益智仁总甾醇(苷)的纯化工艺。
- In the paper cryogenic purification process feature have been introduced and compared with conventional process. 文介绍了深冷净化合成氨工艺特点,并与传统工艺进行了对比。
- Synthetic diamond purification process is a high contaminative procedure at present. 目前人造金刚石的提纯工艺是一道高污染的工序。
- Objective:To study the extraction and purification process of total anthraquinone in Rheum. 目的:改进大黄总游离蒽醌提取与纯化工艺。
- Through the coupling of these four sub-models, biofilter purification process can be simulated dynamically. 将4个子模型合理耦合,即可对生物滤池净化过程进行数学模拟。
- It introduces the development, design schema and application of the methanol-methanation purification process. 介绍了合成氨原料气双甲精制新工艺的开发状况,设计方案和使用效果。
- The preparation and purification process of silicon tetrachloride were chiefly introduced. 重点介绍了四氯化硅的制备及精制工艺。
- The recent development in quartzite purification process and our research results are reviewed in this paper. 综述介绍了近年来石英砂提纯技术发展现状及我们所取得的研究成果。
- Abstract: Objective:To study the extracting conditions and purification process parameters of Rheum. 文章摘要: 目的:研究大黄提取纯化的工艺条件及参数。
- The purification process for solvent was put forward, and the concentration range was determined. 并提出了溶剂的纯化方法和本方法所使用的浓度范围。
- Many sugar beet plants are operating lime kilns on-site to produce both the quicklime and the carbon dioxide required for the purification process. 许多制糖工厂在现场运行石灰窑以生产净化过程所需的生石灰和二氧化碳。