- It is not that the time-shape of new input stream is a pure technical datum. 新的进货川流的时间形状并不是一种纯技术的资料。
- Emotions run very high in what at first glance might seem to be a purely technical discussion. 情绪来说非常高,什么乍看似乎是一个单纯的技术讨论。
- This text is about Bahkin's criticism to“ pure technical( linguistic)” method in formalism. 本文认为巴赫金的文论思想是一个未完成的有机整体。
- Yet the brain drain to the clean-tech industry also draws on something other than pure technical expertise. 然而,人才向清洁技术的流动带来的不仅仅是纯粹的技术技能。
- The attack of DDOS greatly destroys the network security.However, the pure technical protection is not consummate. 摘要DDoS攻击给网络安全带来严重的破坏,现在的纯技术防御手段还不够完善。
- "This choice must be respected, even though we do not share it, only incase it is dictated by purely technical needs, which are entirely theresponsibility of the coach," it says. “这种选择必须得到尊重,即使我们不同意,只有在这种情况下,它是出于纯技术需求,这是完全是教练的职责。”它说。
- Results: Of the 9 institutes, 1 was pure technical inefficient, 3 were resource disposability inefficient, and 5 were scale inefficient. 结果:在9个药检所中,1个所的纯技术效率<1,3个所的资源可处置度<1,5个所的投入规模效率<1;
- As far as I am cornered,it is difficult to solve the soil environmental pollution problem with pure technical or legal measures. 我们认为单纯的技术防治措施或法律规范措施是难以解决土壤环境污染问题的。
- Listed in order before convening such a pure technical forum Alibaba was apparently intended to enhance its capital market, "science and technology company" recognized degrees. 赶在上市前召开这样的纯技术论坛,阿里巴巴显然是想提升其在资本市场“科技型公司”的认可度。
- He engages in endless arguments with others on issues that are not matters of principle but of a purely technical nature,categorically refusing to compromise or be patient with others. 对一些非原则问题,一些技术性的问题,也斤斤计较,相持不下,不善于让步,不善于等待。
- He engages in endless arguments with others on issues that are not matters of principle but of a purely technical nature, categorically refusing to compromise or be patient with others. 对一些非原则问题,一些技术性的问题,也斤斤计较,相持不下,不善于让步,不善于等待。
- Political scientists tend to argue that instruments are more or less substitutable on a purely technical basis, and focus instead on the political forces they believe govern instrument selection. 政治科学家倾向于认为,在纯技术的基础上工具或多或少是可以替代的,相反,应关注影响工具选择的政治力量。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- This article introduces the compromised Input &Output-oriented DEA to the research on pure technical efficiency of Chinese commercial banks in 2002, with moderate modification on the selection of input and output variables. 摘要用投入-产出型DEA模型对2002年我国商业银行的纯技术效率进行了实证分析,同时适当地调整了模型所选取的投入和产出变量。
- The technical efficiency gap between insurers has shown the trend that it will impede sustainable growth of TFP and this gap results in scale efficiency while not pure technical efficiency. 保险公司相对前沿的技术效率差距拉大,已出现阻碍TFP增长的趋势,这种技术效率的差距主要是受规模效率的影响。
- As for the aggregate technical efficiency and pure technical efficiency in TSMC s fabs, there are some improvement areas for the input items of cost of good sold, fixed assets and inventories. 至于台积电各晶圆厂在整体相对效率及纯粹技术效率上,其在销货成本、固定资产以及存货等投入项目上仍有改善空间。
- By means of the data envelope analysis method, this paper appraises and analyzes 15 listed tourism companies' operation efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency in 2005. 论文中利用数据包络分析方法对我国15家旅游业上市公司2005年的运营效率、纯技术效率以及规模效率进行了评价和分析。
- The raid was purely retaliatory. 这次袭击完全是报复性的。
- His conclusions are purely speculative. 他的结论完全是推测而来的。
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一颗赤子之心。