- Many peasant household now own bicycle. 很多农民家庭现在拥有自己的自行车。
- pure peasant household 纯农户
- The peasant household has become prosperous through working hard. 这户农家已经通过勤劳变得兴旺发达了。
- Next, apiculture place accepts restriction little, average peasant household all capable breed aquatics. 其次,养蜂所受限制少,普通农户均有能力养殖。
- This paper analyses the main factors that influence peasant household s participation in the new cooperative medical service. 本文对影响农户参加新型农村合作医疗行为的主要因素进行了分析。
- Each came from the country, from a peasant household, and had left her mill and calf, her sturdy young husband, to follow some other villager she knew to do business on this boat. 她们从乡下来,从那些种田挖园的人家,离了乡村,离了石磨同小牛,离了那年青而强健的丈夫,跟随了一个同乡熟人,就来到这船上做生意了。
- Theoretically, the peasant household will increase labor time in agricultural production, thus attaining the purpose of the government's incitement in agriculture produce. 在理论上,农户会增加从事农业生产的劳动时间.从而达到政府刺激农业生产的目的。
- Apart from collective pig-raising by co-operatives, every peasant household should be advised to raise one or more pigs, and this goal is to be attained by stages in a few years. 除了合作社公养以外,每个农家都要劝他们养一口至几口猪,分作几年达到这个目的。
- Fourth, encouraging all social sectors to aid poor peasant households. 四是社会各界帮扶到户,即组织社会各界对贫困农户进行帮扶。
- By means of peasant household sample investigation method, the paper summarizes and analyses the situation and effect of Grain for Green Program in 5 counties of Zhangjiakou Chengde two cities of Hebei. 摘要采用农户抽样调查方法,对河北省张家口、承德两市5县退耕还林实施情况与所取得的成效作概述与分析。
- Fourth,encouraging all social sectors to aid poor peasant households. 四是社会各界帮扶到户,即组织社会各界对贫困农户进行帮扶。
- The conversion of farmland to forests project is a complex systems program, involves national, the place, the peasant household tripartite benefit, has the multiple goals at the same time. 退耕还林工程是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及国家、地方、农户三方利益,兼有多重目的。
- As the organization safeguarding peasant household"s own interests, the special cooperative economic organization appears inevitablely, economizing a large number of endogenous transaction cost. 就组织运行机制而言,内生型与外生型专业合作组织的组织结构及其决策机制有所不同,这对专业合作组织的代理成本也会产生不同程度的影响。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- The state has also used the individual household as the basic unit in quantifying the various indices for solving the poor peasant households' problem of food and clothing. 国家不仅将扶贫到户作为一项重要措施,而且把解决贫困农户温饱的各项指标也量化到户。
- By 1999,a total of three billion yuan had been loaned to over 2.4 million poor peasant households. 到1999年,全国投入的资金总量达30亿元,覆盖240多万贫困农户。
- Hemmed about byhills,it is a small hamlet of a hundred or so peasant households. 那是一座被小山围绕的、约有100户农户的小村庄。
- From household contract responsibility system to conversion of farmland to forests, peasant households had to change their land uses according to the contract. 从家庭联产承包到退耕还林,农户根据土地契约安排在所承包的土地上做出了土地用途变更。
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一颗赤子之心。
- In Dali County,farm machines run by the peasant households occupies a pivotal position. 在大荔县,农户经营的农业机械已占有举足轻重的地位。