- The ecology and pure culture of mycelium of T. matsutake were investigated. 对我国云南禄丰、曲靖县和吉林延边地区松茸生态做了初步调查;
- There are also some estimates of the efficiency of litter decomposition by Basidiomycetes in pure culture. 也有一些关于纯培养担子菌分解落叶层效力的估计。
- So the preparation of a pure culture involves the isolation of a given microorganism from a mixed natural microbial population. 因此纯培养制备要从混合的天然微生物群中分离出特定的微生物。
- Slide 6-10 The neck area has numerous white patches. These patches are a pure culture of Candida albicans. 幻灯6-10颈部有大量白斑,这些白斑是白念珠菌的纯培养。
- POSTULATE 2: The germ must be isolated from someone who has the disease and then grown in pure culture. 原理2:病菌必需从患病者身上获得并在无菌环境下培养。
- Within a few years the causative organisms of typhoid, Asiatic cholera and many other diseases were grown in pure culture. 在几年的时间内,人们培养出了伤寒、亚洲霍乱和其他疾病的线细菌。
- The results demonstrated that the strain isolated from fruitbody tissue of Armillaria luteo-virens was the true pure culture of the fungus. 结果表明,本研究获得的黄绿蜜环菌子实体组织分离菌株即为其纯培养菌种。
- Through repeated experiments,sparkling beverage with low alcohol was produced with corn as the raw material and pure culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 对以玉米为主要原料,以啤酒酵母为菌种,发酵酿制低酒精度的发泡饮料进行了研究。
- Use pure culture inoculate pickles become the future of pickles industry, at the same time the commercialization DVS (Direct Vat Set) LAB starter will improve this development. 纯菌种发酵已成为泡菜工业的一个发展方向,同时直投式乳酸菌发酵剂的应用将极大地促进泡菜生产工艺的发展。
- One must be wary of applying the results of experiments with pure cultures directly to soils. 人们把纯培养的试验结果直接用于土壤时必须十分谨慎。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- Eight strains of Photosynthetic Bacteria,numbered PSB-1. PSB-2A . PSB-2B PSB-3.PSB-4.PSB-5 were isolated from the mud sample of Baoding city. Their pure culture have been identified through morphological, biochemical characteristics. 从保定市护城河及白洋淀底泥中富集分离出6株光合细菌,分别编号为PSB-1、PSB-2A、PSB-2B、PSB-3、PSB-4、PSB-5。
- The strain 2009 and the pure culture were used as experimental materials to study the relationship between the pregermination methods of auricularia auricula and the emergence rate, the contamination rate and the yield by six methods. 摘要以黑木耳菌株2009作试验菌株,选用木屑培养基作试脸材料,在同一黑木耳栽培菌培养室采用6种不同的催芽方法,研究了催芽处理方法与耳基分化率、污染率和产量之间的关系。
- Traditional enrichment techniques and the pure culture approach for microbiological studies have offered only a narrow portal for examining the soil microbial flora due to their limited selectivity. 传统的富集的方法和对纯的微生物的培养的研究方法由于缺少选择性;这导致研究的面相当窄[只能做局部的研究].
- Methods: The effects of dry crop food preservative on paddy mould at different concentration were measured by on-the-spot experiment, mimic experiment and suffocation to mould pure culture. 方法用现场试验、模拟试验及对霉菌纯培养物熏蒸三种方法测定不同剂量谷保防霉剂对霉菌的抑杀效果。
- To test this notion, we electrically stimulated pure cultures of DRG axons and then analyzed the medium. 为了测试这个想法,我们用电刺激了全部都是背根神经节轴突的组织培养,然后分析培养液的成份。
- Koch realized very early that the development of simple methods for obtaining pure cultures of bacteria was a vital requirement for the growth of the new science. Koch早就认识到发展简单的细菌纯培养技术是这门新科学成长的要害。
- The key of cultivation is to batch producing of pure cultured mycelium, and the difficulty is that pure cultured mycelium grows very slowly. 牛肝菌人工驯化栽培的关键是批量生产纯菌种,其难点是难以获得纯菌种以及菌种生长速度缓慢。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。