- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- He is the front man for a criminal gang. 他为一个犯罪集团作掩护。
- He is a criminal past all redemption. 他是个不可救药的罪犯。
- They are running down a criminal. 他们正在追缉一名罪犯。
- "Grass" is a criminal slang for "informer". grass 是罪犯用的俚语,意思是“告密的人”。
- He is a criminal beyond all redemption. 他是个不可救药的罪犯。
- A member of a criminal gang or crime syndicate. 罪犯匪帮或犯罪集团的一员
- It's cruel to use a whip to punish a child. 用鞭子惩罚孩子是残酷的。
- A judge cannot punish a wrong done to himself. 法官不得对使自己蒙受的过错进行惩处.
- A criminal must be in perpetual dread of exposure. 罪犯总是提心吊胆,害怕暴露。
- We must bring a criminal to justice, try him and punish him. 我们必须使犯人受审并受法律制裁。
- A policeman has the power to arrest a criminal. 警察有权逮捕罪犯。
- I hounded a criminal to San Francisco. 我追踪一名罪犯,一直追到旧金山。
- They refused to bond a criminal. 他们拒绝为一名罪犯作保。
- They were reinvestigating a criminal case. 他们正在复查一桩刑事案件。
- A criminal broke jail last night. 昨晚,一罪犯越狱逃跑。
- We regard this as a criminal offence. 我们认为这是一种刑事犯罪行为。”
- It is within the principal's discretion to punish a pupil. 处罚学生是校长的自由。
- The policeman seized a criminal suspect. 警察捉住一个嫌疑犯。
- You can punish a stealer but whose nature was hard to change. 你可以惩罚一个小偷,但他本性难改。(江山易改,本性难移。)