- The punch line was that he lost his pants in the typhoon. 好笑的是他在台风中掉了裤子。
- This poem has its punch line at the very finish. 这首诗的最后一行最为精彩。
- This joke has a great punch line. 这个笑话有一句相当棒的妙语。
- I can't tell the joke, I forgot the punch line. 我无法将这个故事,我忘了当中最好笑的部分。
- He is funnier, but sometimes fluffs his punch lines. 他更加风趣,但是有时候在点睛之笔的时候显得松软无力。
- The punch line is that he lost his pants in the typhoon. 好笑的是他在台风中掉了裤子。
- I doubled up with laughter when I heard the punch line. 当我听到那句双关语时,捧腹大笑得直不起腰来。
- If you are like most people, that punch line triggered at least a hearty laugh. 如果你同多数人一样,这个幽默故事至少也会让你放声大哭。
- If you are like most people,that punch line triggered at least a hearty laugh. 如果你同多数人一样,这个幽默故事至少也会让你放声大哭。
- He tells the joke so poorly that he has to explain the punch line twice. 他那个笑话讲得很差,所以他必须重覆解释其中好笑的部分。
- He told the joke so poorly that he had to explain the punch line twice. 他那个笑话讲得很差,所以他必须重覆解释其中好笑的部分。
- He tells the joke so poorly that he have to explain the punch line twice. 他那个笑话讲得很差,所以他必须重覆解释其中好笑的部分。
- The last line of a good limerick contains the PUNCH LINE or "heart of the joke. 一个好的五行诗要以一句妙语作结尾,也就是笑话里兜的“包袱”。
- But the real punch line was the part we didn't find out until later that day:Kim was seven months pregnant. 但最妙的是:我们直到那天晚些时候才发现金已怀孕7个月了!
- Father's Day cards sport some pretty typical jokes,with the punch lines often asking Dad for money in one way or another. 父亲节贺卡在给当爸爸的带来一些开心笑话的同时却常常在转弯抹角向爸爸要钱花。
- Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement,especially an amusing story with a punch line. 笑话为引人发笑或逗乐而说的话或做的事,尤指有一句妙语的有趣故事。
- Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line. 笑话为引人发笑或逗乐而说的话或做的事,尤指有一句妙语的有趣故事
- The punch line is that this method calls tasks that solicit input from the user. 妙处在于该方法调用向用户请求输入的任务。
- Theirs was not the uncomfortable silence whose threat one always feels just behind the punch line or at the end of an anecdote on the first date. 他们的沉默可不是那种初次约会一句妙语或一段趣闻之后令人不舒服的沉默。
- When listening to a joke, the first part of the humor is the punch line, an incongruous ending. 当听一个笑话时,幽默的第一部分是一个巧妙的不合常规的结尾。