- The pump power is fed through a second waveguide. 泵的功率通过第二个波导管馈入。
- Effect of input pump power on active ring microresonator filter[J]. 引用该论文 黄小莉;陈海燕;戴基智.
- Centrifugal pumps are the most common pump power. 离心泵是最常见的动力式泵。
- The objective of DC power modulation is to damp the relative swing of angle and frequency of the two areas from COI. 直流输电线路功率调制的目标是阻尼区域COI功角和频率间的相互振荡。
- Power modulation is one of valid supplementary control methods for AC/DC parallel systems. 对于交直流并联输电系统,直流功率调制便是其中一种有效的附加控制方式。
- A multilevel laser power modulation method was developed based on the industry standard architecture (ISA) interface and a complex programmable logic device (CPLD). 该文描述了一种基于工业标准结构(ISA)总线和复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)的多阶激光功率调制方法。
- All kinds of circuit topology and power modulation technology for variable speed constant frequency(VSCF)wind power generator system are introduced. 简单介绍了变速恒频风力发电系统中出现的一些常用拓扑结构及功率调节技术。
- The experimetal curves about intensity of conjugate wave vs. irradiate time at different pump power is given. 给出了在不同泵浦功率下,共轭波强度随照射时间变化的实验曲线。
- HVDC power modulation can improve the stability of AC/DC systems,but the converter will consume much of reactive power,which influences the AC system voltage. 直流功率调制能有效地提高交直流系统的稳定性,但同时直流换流站也要消耗大量的无功,影响交流系统的电压稳定。
- Based on Giles? two level model,we calculated the optimum length of Er doped fiber (EDF) for a given pump power. 根据二能级近似的 Giles模型 ,计算了对于给定泵浦功率的最佳掺铒光纤长度。
- This method has the advantages of wide area of power modulation and little change of frequency. It adapts to the inductive heating of medium power and supply frequency. 这种方法具有功率调节范围宽、频率变化小的优点,适用于中小功率的感应加热应用。
- Hydraulic power modules imported from Europe and USA. 油压动力单元选用欧美进口之零组件。
- At the same time, the effect of the 980 nm pump power on the multiwavelength generation has be investigated. 另一方面, 实验中利用了在线型的双折射光纤滤波器, 它是一种新型的周期性梳状滤波器。
- Application of intelligent power modules to VVVF inverter. 智能功率模块在VVVF变频器中的应用。
- The optical bistable is observed because the absorption for laser reduces with the increasing of the pump power. 饱和吸收体对激光的吸收系数随抽运光强的增加而减小, 形成了输出激光的光学双稳态特性。
- Plug-in hybrids, meanwhile, could charge at night, when demand is low, and even pump power back to the grid while parked during the day. 电动混合汽车可以在用电需求较低的晚间充电,甚至还可以在白天停放期间将电能重新输回电网。
- By using double-pass configuration and recycling backward C-band ASE,the pump power for(L-band) ASE generation is much economized. 通过采用双通结构和循环利用C波段放大自发辐射,极大地节省了用于产生L波段放大自发辐射所需的泵光功率。
- The pump conversion efficiency is relevant to the erbium-doped fiber (EDF) length and the pump power allotment of forward and backward pump lasers. 光源的抽运转换效率与掺铒光纤长度、前后向抽运功率分配有关。
- At the end, an uncoupling simulation workflow for power module is established. 最后基于以上研究成果,建立了电源模块多场耦合问题的解耦仿真流程。