- Ratio Between Unconsumed Pulverized Coal and Coke in BF Dust 高炉炉尘中未消耗煤粉和焦炭比例的研究
- pulverized coal and coke 煤粉和煤焦
- The paper analyses the problem of inadequate self supply of coke and summarizes that the fluctuation of fine pulverized coal and the imbalance in charging are main reasons affecting coke production. 针对焦炭自供能力不足的问题进行了分析,煤粉碎细波动大、装煤量不均等是影响焦炭产量的主要原因。
- The rating curve between the flux of the pulverized coal and the tob pressure and aperture of orifice-plate flow meter is a parabolic one. 煤粉流量与顶压及孔板直径成抛物线关系。
- The importance of heterogeneous mechanism on the NO reduction is analyzed by comparing the difference in NO reduction of pulverized coal and its char. 通过比较煤粉和煤焦对NO还原过程的不同,分析了异相机理对NO还原的重要性。
- Coal and coke maceral, reflectance of coal vitrinite and coke pore structure, etc. are measured by means of image analysis system. 利用图像分析系统,测定煤焦岩相分析中的煤焦显微组分、煤镜质组反射率和焦炭气孔结构等。
- The experiment results showed that anthracite coal blended with lean coal and coke powder could produce excellent second class foundry coke. 结果表明,无烟煤、瘦煤和焦粉配合,可制备出优质的二级铸造型焦。
- Coal consumption of COREX is too much and coke is still used to supply effective calorific value of coal and form a fix bed with carbon. COREX的主要问题有两个,其一是煤耗过高,其二是仍需使用一定比例的焦炭,以补充有效热值和形成含碳固定床。
- Technology Renovation and Elevation in the Traditionally Advantageous Industries such as Coal and Coke Production, Metallurgical Industry, Power Generation. 焦炭、冶金、电力传统优势产业的技术提升改造。
- This crusher is designed to be used for the coarse and medium reduction of various kinds coal and coke as well as other friable materials of low hardness. 本机主要用于粗碎、中碎各种硬度的煤、焦炭及其它低硬度的脆性物料。
- The influence of burners layout pattern for two typical tangentially firing boilers upon the burning process of pulverized coal and air flow in the burners region has been analysed and studied. 对大型锅炉现用的切圆燃烧和前后墙对冲燃烧2种燃烧方式进行了全面的比较,并分别对其炉膛大型化技术特点进行了分析探讨。
- The author pointed out that although the use of pulverized coal and causticizing lime mud as blended fuel is beneficial to the lime mud recovery, cyclone furnace must be carefully conducted high... 结果表明,白泥/煤粉在旋风炉内混烧是黑液碱回收白泥资源化利用的方式之一,但需根据实际情况制定相应的技术方案,并对旋风炉局部进行防高温耐腐蚀处理。
- In the experiments were used three pulverized coals and its chars and bituminous char with appended catalysts as reburning fuel. 实验中选用的再燃燃料为小龙潭褐煤、富拉尔基褐煤和大同烟煤及其煤焦,以及添加不同催化剂的大同烟煤焦。
- In the reburnin g zone using pulverized coals and chars,the heterogeneous mechanism may be an im portant contributor to NO reduction. 在煤再燃中异相机理对NO的还原起重要的作用。
- Companies have to gas, coal and coke oven gas low-pressure methanol synthesis and methanol dehydration catalyst gas production of DME technology, is a gas-phase dimethyl ether technology holder only. 公司掌握了以天然气、煤和焦炉气低压合成甲醇,以及甲醇气相催化脱水法生产二甲醚的工艺技术,是国内气相法二甲醚技术唯一持有方。
- They can also monitor coal and coke quality.Updating of coal petrography analysis equipment with digitally automatic coal petrography analysis has the advantages of simple operation and high accuracy. 并提出针对公司目前煤岩分析设备测试方式为人工测试,不能满足生产需要,需更换煤岩检测设备,采用数字化自动煤岩分析系统,具有操作简单、测定结果精度高的优点。
- The effect of different pulverized coals and chars on NO heterogeneous reduction in the fuel rich stage of reburning was studied in a bench scale flow reactor. 在小型流动反应器中研究了不同煤粉及其煤焦对富燃料再燃区NO异相还原的影响。
- Ammonia, coal tar and coke are all by-products obtained in the manufacture of coal gas. 氨气、煤焦油、焦煤都是煤气生产过程中的副产品。
- Coal and oil are natural products. 煤和石油是天然物产。
- Traditional ironmaking industry is limited to further develop because of increasingly shortage of coking coal and coke resource. 由于炼焦煤和焦炭资源的日益短缺,限制了传统炼铁工业的进一步发展。