- pulse interval time 脉冲间隔时间
- Reduced interval time for Orbital Artillery waves. 减少了轨道炮得间隔时间。
- Pulse Interval Measurement About Rocket Time Bunchs 火箭时串信号脉冲间隔测量
- With no chemical, disinfection medicine, antibiotics at the same time, the interval time should be at least 24 hours. 严禁与化学药剂、消毒药、抗生素同时使用,间隔时间至少要在24个小时。
- It converted the counting of interval time into the counting of end position of the object in the image. 该技术将间隔时间的计算转换为图像中目标物体尾部位置的计算。
- Results Pharmacodynamic parameters of antimicrobials play an important role on interval time using medicine. 结果抗菌药物药效学参数对确定给药间隔时间有重要作用。
- Based on Q switched diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) Nd:YAG laser,the single pulse interval laser surface micro-machining technology was adopted to machine the surface of gray cast iron. 在声光调Q二级管泵浦固体光源(DPSS)Nd:YAG激光器基础上,采用“单脉冲同点间隔多次”激光微加工工艺,对灰铸铁材料进行表面微造型加工。
- Objective To discuss the effect of pharmacodynamic parameters of antimicrobials on interval time using medicine. 目的探讨抗菌药物药效学参数对决定给药间隔时间的作用。
- Objective: To explore the single quantity and interval time of naso-feeding of elderly patients with long-period naso-feeding homogenate diet. 目的:探讨长期鼻饲匀浆膳食的老年患者单次合适的鼻饲量和鼻饲间隔时间。
- The static softening in interval time increased with the increasing of deforming temperature,interval time and deformation,re-crystallization of austenite was easier to occu. 随变形温度、道次停留时间及变形量的增加,道次间隔时间内的静态软化量也增加,奥氏体再结晶越容易发生。
- Significant distinction were found in PT,BPC,child-pugh score,age,interval time of bleeding between both groups. The P value was<0.05,<0.05,<0.02,<0.02,<0.01 respeetively. 两组PT、BPC、child pugh分级、年龄、出血间隔时间比较差异有显著意义 ;P值分别为 <0 0 5、<0 0 5、<0 0 2、<0 0 2、<0 0 1。
- PIWM Pulse Interval Width Modulation 脉冲间隔宽度调制
- All patients were treated with naloxone,the change in consciousness and respiration,cure rate and the interval time,during which naloxone takes effect were observed. 结果:重症阿片类中毒患者临床上表现为意识障碍、呼吸抑制、瞳孔缩小、血压下降,严重的可出现呼吸、心跳骤停。
- In compiling the train diagram for UMT system, it is important to consider the interval time of trains,the circulation of rolling stock and the running route of rolling stock. 在编制城市轨道交通列车运行图时,需要综合考虑不同时间段的发车间隔、车底折返及车底出入库方式等问题。
- The purified sporulated oocysts were sonicated at a power setting of 200 W,durative time 5s,interval time Ss,60 times,and 3 cycle. 纯化的孢子化的卵囊用超声波裂解,功率设置为200W、工作时间5秒、间隙时间5秒、工作次数60次,3个循环。
- Automatic block interval time variation of Nanjing-Chuxian Section on Jin-Pu Railway Line designed by our institute won the excellent design prize of the First National Excellent Designs. 我院设计的津浦线南京至滁县段自动闭塞变更间隔时分工程项目荣获第一届国家优秀设计奖。
- An unwanted false electronic pulse. 一种不希望有的假电子脉冲。
- The SFTS contains there parts:server initiative time synchronization algorithm,interval time compensation for clock skew,and queue filtration and frequency saltation filtration. 该算法包含服务器主动式时钟同步算法,基于分段估算的频率差补偿算法,排队与频率跳变过滤算法三个部分。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。