- Of, relating to, or perceived by the ear. 耳的属于、关于耳的或由耳感知的
- He pulled my ears/me by the ears. 他扯我的耳朵。
- We have got the right sow by the ear at last. 我们终于找对了人。
- pull by the ear 拉耳朵(惩罚人)
- His choice of a wife set his family by the ears. 他的择妻造成家庭不和。
- She set the whole neighbourhood by the ears. 她使四邻不和。
- The Spaniards held these countries by the ears. 西班牙人曾经紧紧控制着这些国家。
- When he tried to beat me,he found he had the wrong sow by the ear. 他想打我的时候,发现找错了人。
- When he tried to beat me, he found he had the wrong sow by the ear. 他想打我的时候,发现找错了人。
- Napoleon addressed him gaily and pinched him by the ear. 拿破仑愉快地接见他,揪了揪他的耳朵。
- Pull up these plants by the roots. 将这些植物连根拔起。
- The eye is pulled by the eyebrow muscles. 眼睛的动作是由眼,眉毛的肌肉所拉动而影响。
- Let's pull up these plants by the roots. 让我们把这些植物连根拔起。
- Sled pulled by dog is in common use in the Arctic. 狗拉的雪橇在北极地区很常用。
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我们到河边野餐去吧。
- Anything that is dropped falls to the ground,pulled by the force of gravity. 任何跌落的物体均被地心吸力所吸引而落向地面。
- The chiefs led the ignorant masses by the ears after them. 那些酋长任意支配那些无知的群众,使他们惟命是从。
- They went together by the ears when excited by the news. 他们被那消息所激,互相争执起来。
- Anything that is dropped falls to the ground, pulled by the force of gravity. 任何跌落的物体均被地心吸力所吸引而落向地面。
- This scientist set the whole world by the ears with his discovery. 这位科学家的新发现使全世界为之震惊。