- puff and sip switch (口)吹啜式开关
- The boss had a puff and a huff too many. 老板这次的火气过头了。
- Familiar with China Labor Law and SIP practice. 熟悉国家劳动法律法规和苏州工业园区办事流程.
- puff and sip device 吹吸设备
- I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down. 我又是吹气又是喷气,要把你的房子掀翻。
- The man took another puff and put out the cigarette. 那人又吸了一口烟,然后把烟掐灭了。
- The more portly abishai had to puff and scurry to keep up. 矮胖的朋友不得不疾步前驱才能赶上它同伴的脚步。
- Two major VoIP standards, H.323 and SIP, are analyzed about the security. 323协议、SIP协议两种IP电话标准中的安全性措施。
- The real escapist can watch a film and sip champagne on some services. 真正会享受的人还可以在某些航班上看一场电影和喝香槟。
- Papa made a brandy-and-soda and sipped it. 爸爸倒了杯白兰地苏打水喝起来。
- She was placid and puffy and mature. 她娴静、丰满、成熟。
- Hi, Josh. Why are you puffing and panting? 嗨,乔希。你为什么一直在喘气呀?
- Lovely with meat dishes and sipped on its own. 宜和各种肉类相配,也可与好友共享。
- We looked at stars together and sipped on sodas. 我们一起看星星,喝苏打饮料。
- The old man was puffing and blowing. 这老人气喘吁吁。
- I imagine a porcelain cup. I pour out the hot wine, and sip, exquisitely. 我想象一个陶瓷做的杯子。我倒出温热的酒,优雅地啜了一口。
- The substance of the toe puff and the position of the "skive" are adjustable. 套头的原度大小及前薄角度可以自由调整,印置位置准确。
- He was puffing and blowing from running. 他跑得哼哧哼哧地直喘。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- The real escapist can watch an free film show and sip champagne on some services. 真正不想享受飞行的人,要某些班机上可以看看免费电影,或者饮用香槟酒。