- published via internet 网络发表
- It was published in America and available in Britain only via internet booksellers. 这本书在美国出版,英国的读者只能通过网络书商购买。
- Submit long-distance printing work via Internet. 通过互联网远程提交打印作业。
- Submit your entry now via Internet, by mail or fax! 请即透过上网,邮寄或传真参加!
- I usually contact my friends via internet. 我一般用网络和朋友联系。
- You can access this service via Internet channel or ESDkiosks. 您可透过个人电脑或生活站使用此服务。
- Retrieve reprint work via Internet to check progress. 通过互联网定购重印作业,检查作业进展。
- While new developments will be kept within the TMF until they are fully up to standard, ultimately they will be published via the web. 新的开发会保存在TMF内部,直至这些开发能够被全面理解,到最后,这些开发结果会通过网络进行发布。
- This will enable detections which are in the queue to be published via dats to be made available almost instantly to your endpoints. 这将使侦测是在队列中即将出版的经反黑组将提供几乎立即到您的终端。
- Language Lessons where you want, when you want, via internet and telephone! 通过网络和电话随时随地学习语言课程!
- The Arid Lands Newsletter is managed semiannually by The Office of Arid Lands Studies of The University of Arizona, which is often published via paper and Web sometimes. 干旱区通讯是半年期快讯,由设在亚利桑那大学的干旱区研究办公室主办,一般以报纸形式出版,同时也提供网络版。
- Entries cannot be submitted via confidential/ private mobile phone numbers or via internet SMS engines. 使用私人/密手机号码或网上简讯服务投稿皆不被接受。
- The commission charges imposed on WAP trading are the same as you pay for when you trade via Internet. 使用WAP交易服务所徵收的佣金及收费跟阁下透过互联网买卖时所支付的完全一样。
- The consumer EFT includes the traditional transferring via ATM ,POS and themodern EFT method via Internet. 消费性电子资金划拨包括传统的利用ATM、POS等进行的划拨,也包括新兴的利用INTERNET为平台的网上划拨。
- The web-based laboratory enables users to access and conduct experiments via Internet with just a standard web browser. 这种基于Web的实验室可使得用户仅配置了标准的网络浏览器,就可通过网络实现对实验的访问以及操作。
- GV people “know” each other more or less via internet, but meeting in person is a totally different story. 全球之声的成员都是经由网路认识其他人,但是面对面的接触就是另一回事了。
- You are advised to retry again or you have to contact your credit card issuing bank to check whether your credit card can make payment via Internet. 我们建议您尽快与您的信用卡发卡银行联络,查询您的信用卡是否可于网上付款。
- Thanks to the unique system of viewing the film via internet you can see this film in a few seconds which is available on streaming. 借助于互联网独特的电影视频系统,我们可以在几秒钟内打开传输频带上的电影进行观看。
- In Europe a lot of information can be obtained about your customer through the Chamber of Commerce (on line via internet). 在欧洲通过商会(网上在线服务)可获取大量你客户的信息。
- The virtual trait and anonymousness make the concept of interpersonal trust via internet differ from that in the real life. 因特网的虚拟性和匿名性等特征,使网络人际信任的内涵有别于现实社会。