- He visited his parents at irregular intervals. 他不定期地看望父母。
- He visits us at irregular intervals. 他不定期地来探访我们。
- publish at irregular intervals 不定期出版
- As the tide made, it flapped heavily at irregular intervals against the shore. 潮水在涨,没准儿隔多大工夫,就会掀起一阵波浪拍岸,澎湃有声。
- One that serves or appears at irregular intervals, especially a temporary worker. 临时工:不定时服务或出现的人,尤其指临时工。
- At irregular intervals of two to seven years, the waters of the central Pacific warm up, heralding inclement weather throughout the southern hemisphere. 无规律地间隔二至七年,中央太平洋的海水温度就会升高,预示着南半球严酷的天气的到来。
- This week’s article is about reincarnation.Others on past life regression, near death experiences, death bed visions, crisis apparitions, and ghosts, will follow at irregular intervals. 这周的文章是关于再生的话题,其他的关于往生,死亡体验,死亡幻觉,鬼影和灵魂的话题将会不定期出版。
- stopping and starting at irregular intervals. 以没有规律的间隔停止并开始。
- The breath heaved his chest at long and irregular intervals. 他的呼吸,忽长忽促,胸膛随着起伏。
- Published at regular intervals of more than one day. 期刊以长于一天的固定间歇出版的
- not characterized by a fixed principle or rate; at irregular intervals. 有固定的规则或速率;间隔不固定,没有规律。
- one that serves or appears at irregular intervals,especially a temporary worker 不定时服务或出现的人,尤其指临时工
- With irregular intervals of action and inaction;intermittently. 一阵阵地,间歇地无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地
- With irregular intervals of action and inaction; intermittently. 一阵阵地,间歇地无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地
- He had his book published at his own expense. 他自费出书。
- at irregular intervals 不定时的间隔
- By fits and starts or in fits and starts With irregular intervals of action and inaction; intermittently. 一阵阵地,间歇地无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地。
- Such a book as you described should not be published at all. 像你描述的那样的书不应该出版。
- It was first used in the 1950s to treat narcolepsy, an illness where people suddenly fall asleep at irregular times. 它首次于1950年代被用来治疗嗜睡症,那是一种使人突然陷入沈睡状态的疾病。
- A workbook is published at the end of each fiscal quarter. 工作簿在每个财务季度末发布。