- Individuals could keep their current plan or could enroll in an approved private plan or a new public plan. 个人可保留当前的计划或能够参加经批准的私人计划或新的公共计划。
- If they fail, the president would be obliged to submit a public plan proposal to Congress for speedy consideration. 如果他们失败了,总统将被迫提交一份公众计划申请来要求国会尽快审议。
- She detests the mandatory public plan, but says she would accept some form of triggered version. 她反对强制公立保险,但是她也说愿意接受类似启动选项的版本。
- If there is not even a hint of a public plan, liberals like Senator Russ Feingold and Jay Rockefeller may stomp off. 如果连一点点公立保险机构的影子都没有,自由派如参议员拉斯.;范格拉斯和杰伊
- Behind the boilerplate about big government, rationing and all that lies the real concern: fear that the public plan would succeed. 在指责大政府、配给制等官样文章隐藏的是真正的担心:害怕公共方案成功。
- Many on the left, including Mr Obama, argue that reform must include a “public plan” that would provide an alternative to rapacious private insurers. 包括奥巴马在内的许多左派认为改革必须包括“公共计划”,“公共计划”能够为贪心的私人投保者提供多一个选择。
- Rachel scorns at Frank's warnings as mere *bluffing. She keeps her public plan unchanged and herself a hot issue in the newspaper all the time. (瑞切尔对弗兰克的警告置若罔闻。她仍是固执已见,四处抛头露面。)
- Just a few weeks ago, it looked as though the proposal to tack on a public plan was, despite fervent support among the left, politically doomed. 尽管在几周之前,公共计划的增补方案得到了左派阵营的大力支持,但这看上去仍像一场注定的政治败局。
- In an effort to win over as many sceptics as possible, though, Mr Reid has circumscribed his public plan in several ways. 为了赢得尽可能多的怀疑人士的支持,雷德先生将他的公共计划做了好几方面的限定。
- And that's why the public plan is an important part of reform: it would help keep costs down through a combination of low overhead and bargaining power. 这就是为什么公共方案是改革的一个重要组成部分,低廉的管理成加上结合讨价还价能力,可以实现成本降低。
- Maine's Olympia Snowe, a lone Republican supporting Democratic efforts, wants to see a public plan triggered only after a few years, and only if private competition fails. 来自缅因州的OlympiaSnowe,他是唯一支持民主党的共和党人,他仅希望如果在几年后私营的医保体系崩溃了,再开启公共医保的计划。
- Rumours swirled that efforts to promote a “strong version” of the public plan (one which would tie reimbursement rates to Medicare) failed to garner sufficient support in the House. 有传言说,之前争取“强版”公共计划(即偿付率要和联邦医疗保险所规定的一致)的努力没能在众议院取得足够数的支持。
- But there are other snags, too.In the House, leading Democrats have more or less squashed the efforts of the left to promote a heavy-handed version of the “public plan”, or government-run insurer. 但阻碍还不止这些,在众议院的处于领导地位的民主党几乎打碎了左翼人士的一份需要重手笔的“公共计划”版本和推进政府主导的保险公司的努力。
- Her effort to rebrand the hugely controversial proposal to add a government-run insurer (usually called a “public plan”) to the health reforms now being negotiated seems ridiculous at first blush. 起初的时候,佩洛西女士对这一提议努力重包装好像挺荒谬。事实上,这是政治左翼精明协调的一个促成环节而已。
- And to all members of the public planning to open for the public to oversee Who is the violator. 而且要把规划向所有市民公开,让市民来监督到底谁是违反者。
- Japan is the only country that is has made explease explicit public plans to attemp attempt to shoot down the North Korea Korean rocket. 此次发射的轨道可能会直接经过日本北部领土上空。
- In this regard it should be noted that the guidance provided in WSPA's publication 'Planning and Running an Animal Shelter' relates to short-stay kennels only. 需要注意的是WSPA出版物中提供的关于庇护所的指导“计划和经营一个动物庇护所”只是针对短期停留的庇护所类型的。
- He has advocated a public plan similar to the federally funded Medicare plan (which is only for retirees) to compete with private plans, but even that is open to negotiation. 他曾经推行过同联邦资助的医疗保险计划(仅对退休公民有效)相似的公共保险来同私营保险竞争,但是这仍需协商。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。