- Microsoft made a public offer to buy the Internet company Yahoo. 微软公开报价,收购网络公司雅虎。
- No issuer may issue securities before announcing the public offer documents. 发行人不得在公告公开发行募集文件之前发行证券。
- Article 31 A prospectus shall be delivered to the subscriber of securities prior to its public offer. 第31条(公开说明书之交付)募集有价证券,应先向认股人或应募人交付公开说明书。
- When the promoters make a public offer of shares, the promoters shall enter into an agreement with the receiving banks. 发起人向社会公共募集股份,应当同银行签订代收股款协议。
- It's the only way, the absolute only way, to stir the goddam dumb public off their complacent asses and get action. 这是让他妈的那些混蛋群众摆脱自满状态,起来行动的唯一办法,绝对的唯一办法。
- The Global Offering initially comprised an International Placing of 675,000,000 Shares and a Hong Kong Public Offer of 75,000,000 Shares. 是次全球发售包括675,000,000股国际配售股份及75,000,000股香港公开发售股份。
- A public offer of new shares shall be underwritten by a legally established securities institution and an underwriting agreement shall be executed. 公司向社会公开发行新股,应当由依法设立的证券经营机构承销,签订承销协议。
- To underwrite securities, a securities company shall examine the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the public offer documents. 证券公司承销证券,应当对公开发行募集文件的真实性、准确性、完整性进行核查;
- Dead after the public offer, which had no fatuity that violent as addiction, is not included in the festival to show good-chang evil bombs. 献公殁后,因其生前昏庸无道,暴戾成癖,不列入祭典,以示彰善弹恶。
- Article 88 The public offer shares shall be underwritten by a lawfully established securities company, and an underwriting agreement shall be concluded. 第八十八条发起人向社会公开募集股份,应当由依法设立的证券公司承销,签订承销协议。
- By public offer, it means the establishment of the company by the subscription by the promoters of part of the shares to be issued and a public offer of the remaining shares. 募集设立,是指由发起人认购公司应发行股份的一部分,其余部分向社会公开募集而设立公司。
- Applying for Initial Public Offer (“IPO”) in Hong Kong is an efficient way to raise funds from the international finance market and thus has become a recent trend for private enterprises (“PEs”) in the Mainland. 国内民企通过在港上市融资从而进入国际融资市场是有效的途径,而且亦成为近年新趋势。
- Establishment by the offer method means establishment of a company by the subscription by the promoters of part of the shares to be issued by a company and a public offer of the remaining part of the shares. 募集设立,是指由发起人认购公司应发行股份的一部分,其余部分向社会公开募集而设立公司。
- The long-run price behavior of initial public offe rings is investigated,and the investigated pierod is 24 months. 对中国股票市场首次公开发行 (ipo)的价格行为进行了长期考察 ,考察期为 2 4个月。
- Aiming the market and clients demand, customize financing service,financing,oversea public offer etc. And also provide client services include management consolation,financial advise,assets appraisal, investment agency. 针对市场及客户的实际情况和需求,量身定制理财、融资、境内外上市等服务方案的同时也为客户提供管理咨询、财务顾问、资产评估、投资中介等服务。
- SPO (Secondary public offing) is an important refinancing way in the security market . 增发新股是西方证券市场上一种重要再融资方式,该方式在我国实践以来,引起极大争论,本文通过对上市公司增发新股的效应分析。
- Applying for Initial Public Offer ("IPO") in Hong Kong is an efficient way to raise funds from the international finance market and thus has become a recent trend for private enterprises ("PEs") in the Mainland. 国内民企通过在港上市融资从而进入国际融资市场是有效的途径,而且亦成为近年新趋势。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。