- He has been formulating his own system and style. 他正在形成自己的一套方法与风格。
- As we said, our own system is in need of transformation. 如我们说的那样,我们自己的系统是需要转换。
- Party is the political organization owned system and enduring. 摘要政党是系统性和持久性的政治组织。
- As each server has its own system disk SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG. 因为每台服务器都有自己的系统磁盘,所以不能使用 SYS%24MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG.
- Post-harvest involucre not be shedding their own system Dehulling retting. 采后总苞未自行脱落的须沤制脱皮。
- This law says that the public owns the rivers and all the water in them. 这条法律规定,公众拥有河流及河中的全部水源。
- The Greeks were full citizens, with their own system of government resembling mat of a Greek city-state. 希腊人才是真正的公民,他们建有类似于希腊城邦国家的政府组织。
- Links that don't behave as expected undermine users' understanding of their own system. 链接行为与预期不符破坏了用户对他们自己的系统的理解。
- It puts forward a new spirit of library contains the concepts of devotion, specialty, humanoriented, business idea, innovation, practicality, public owned, communion, cooperation and harmoniousness. 作者通过阐述,力图彰显一种“敬业专业、以人为本、经营意识、创新务实、公有共享、协作和谐”的图书馆精神。
- The ancient Egyptians developed their own systems of writing. 古埃及人造出了他们自己的几套文字。
- Check this box if you want to define or create your own System namespace and objects. 如果您要定义或创建自己的System命名空间和对象,请选中此框。
- Applications are defined on the application diagram, while each system is defined on its own system diagram. 应用程序在应用程序关系图上定义,而每个系统在各自的系统关系图上定义。
- Usually, each region or division controls its own assets and performs its own system administration. 通常,每个区域或分部控制它自己的资产,并执行它自己的系统管理。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- Morgan win the New York Life and Mutual Life by interlocking their directors into his own system. 摩根通过连锁手段,把纽约人寿保险公司和公共人寿保险公司的重事们纳入自己体系。
- And they each kept to their own System, hardware and software, and did not interchange, for their Licences forbade it. 无论软件还是硬件都自成一派,并且用许可协议加以控制,阻扰相互之间的连通。
- NOTE If you Trojan your own system call table, you'll null the effects of traditional system call hooking. 注意如果你强奸了自己的系统调用表,你也就导致传统的系统调用挂钩失效了。
- Tune in Qingyang Suona, rich in content, which means that simple, its own system, unique style. 庆阳唢呐的曲牌,内容丰富,意味质朴,自成体系,独具风格。
- The Economist is an English-language weekly news and international affairs publication owned by "The Economist Newspaper Ltd" and edited in London. 经济学人是一个英语每周新闻和国际事务中拥有出版,由英国"经济学家报业有限公司",并编辑在伦敦。
- In the Liuzhou dialect, there are a variety of insinuations which form its own system. 摘要柳州方言有数量众多而成系统的隐语。