- public universal key 公共通用密钥
- Founded in 1942,Carleton is comprehensive public university . 加拿大卡尔顿大学建校于1924年,是一所公里综合性大学。
- Florida State is a public university located in Tallahassee, Florida. 佛罗里达州立大学是坐落在佛罗里达州塔拉哈西市的一所公立大学。
- PCI2.3 permitted use of3.3 volt and universal keying, but did not support5 volt keyed add in cards. 市硎褂
- PCI 2.3 permitted use of 3.3 volt and universal keying, but did not support 5 volt keyed add in cards. 3允许使用3.;3伏特和通用标识符,但在5伏特的情况不能下使用。
- Conservative opponents of preferences admit that minority numbers have decreased at the most selective public universities in Texas and California. 反对种族优先的保守派承认,在得州和加州对考生挑选严格,最难考进的公立大学中少数民族学生数量已经减少。
- According to NSF, CU ranks 12th among the top 100 public universities and colleges in overall research expenditures. 根据国家科学基金会(NSF)的统计,科罗拉多大学在全美前100所公立大学中科研经费使用居于第12位。
- The government maintains a public university and also public high schools and elementary schools. 公立大学、高中和小学由政府出资管理。
- Tuition is about the same at another public university, the University of Arizona in Tucson. 而在图森的亚利桑那州大学的其他公立大学的学费也差不多。
- Across the United States, at elite private and public universities, Asian enrollment is near an all-time high. 在全美精英公私立大学,亚裔入学率几乎创新高,亚裔占所有美国人口不到5%25,但在全美一流大学院校学生中通常占10%25到30%25。
- The University of Dar es salaam is the oldest and biggest public university in Tanzania. 达累斯萨拉姆大学是坦桑尼亚创建最早的,也是最大的公立大学。
- Tuition is about the same at another public university, the universiyUniversity of Arizona in Tucson. 它提供给在大学里获得高分数的国际学生一种本科生奖学金。
- The Harts have started saving, and figure they can afford a public university without a problem. 哈特家已经开始存钱了,估计支付公立大学的费用不成问题。
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong CUHK is the first public university in a Chinese society to establish a Department of Religion. 香港中文大学是首所设立宗教系的华人公立大学。宗教系的成立,与中文大学成员书院之一的崇基学院关系密切。
- Public universities offer prestige, while private universities struggle, approximately 100 are sanctioned to give degree. 在中国,公办大学有一定的声望,而私立大学却一直在为发展而挣扎,这些私立大学中大概有100所获得了学位授予权。目前,为了填补教育空白,技术学院、社区学院正在迅猛发展。
- In FY 2005, CU garnered $630.3 million in sponsored research awards; In FY 2003, NSF ranked CU sixth among all public universities in the U.S. in federal research expenditures. 2005年,科罗拉多大学储备了6.;3亿美金作为科研奖励基金。2003年,国家科学基金会统计中,科罗拉多大学的联邦科研基金使用位于全美公立大学中第六名。
- Laura L.Mendelson,PRIVATIZING KNOWLEDGE:THE DEMISE OF FAIR USE AND THE PUBLIC UNIVERSITY,Albany Law Journal of Science &Technology (2003). 马琳.;德国著作权法中的私人复制与反复制问题[J]
- One of the best public universities in the northeastern United States, the University at Buffalo (UB) is an outstanding place to receive an education. 纽约州立水牛城大学(UB)是美国东北部最好的公立大学之一,为学生提供优异的教育。
- She addressed graduating seniors at the University of California,Merced,the newest and smaller school in California's public university system. 她是在对加州大学,莫塞得大学的毕业生做演讲。莫塞得大学是加拿大公立大学系统最新也相对较小的大学。