- I once became a clerk in house of a mahjong, was taken by public security public security bureau, employed buccal worker worker, still made finger wool on my record, with amerce. 我曾经在一间麻将馆当个服务员,被公安带了回公安局,录了口工,还在我的记录上打上了手指毛,和罚款。
- Militiaman and public security men now closed in(on the spies). 民兵和公安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。
- He is a policeman in the public security bureau. 他是公安局的一名警察。
- Public security order is poor in some places. 有些地方社会治安状况不好。
- A parolee shall be supervised by a public security organ. 被假释的罪犯由公安机关予以监督。
- The gang of scoundrels severely jeopardized public security. 这帮歹徒严重危害着社会安定。
- Such offences as his profoundly endanger public security. 他这样的犯法行为极大地危及公共安全。
- Improving all facets of public security to ensure social stability. 搞好社会治安综合治理,维护社会稳定。
- Militiaman and public security men now closed in (on the spies). 民兵和公安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。
- How Should the Mass Media Face the Crisis of Public Security? 大众传媒如何应对公共安全危机?
- Ensuring the public security during the Olympic Games ? 做好奥运会期间的各项安全保卫工作。
- Ensuring the public security during the Olympic Games? 做好奥运会期间的各项安全保卫工作。
- Homes District to militarize the public security management. 舍区治安保卫实行军事化管理。
- Half of them owned public securities. 他们之中有一半人有公债券。
- Public security people: by no means let any malefactor to escape. 公安人员:决不让任何一个犯罪分子逃脱。
- Article 38 Extradition shall be uted by the public security organs. 第三十八条引渡由公安机关执行。
- public security publicity 公安宣传
- public security publicity work 公安宣传工作
- Extensive efforts were made to improve public security at the grassroots level. 深入开展基层安全创建活动。
- According to law,public security organs have the authority to detain. 公安机关依法具有拘留权。