- public s trust in government 政府公信力
- He also promises to restore trust in government. 他同时也承诺重建政府的信任。
- present situation of public s trust 公信力现状
- In recent months, the long series of corporate scandals has eroded people' s trust in companies. 在最近几个月,一系列的公司丑闻打击了公众的信心。
- In recent months, the long.series of corporate scandals has eroded people' s trust in companies. 在最近几个月,一系列的公司丑闻打击了公众的信心。
- Around the world, organized crime robs people of billions of dollars every year and undermines trust in government. 全世界有组织的犯罪分子每年从人民手中抢走的财产达数十亿美元,破坏了人们对政府的信任。
- Babbitt hopes to readjust the relationship between the one and the many by adopting the theory of Humanism and refuting radical pluralism, thus to call back people’s trust in the one. 白璧德希望用人文主义来调节一与多的关系,反对极端的多元论,唤起对“一”的信心。
- Until Monicagate, the chief evidence for this malaise lay in falling voter turnout, relentless anti-Washington rhetoric spouted by political candidates, and polls suggesting that trust in government was at an all-time low. ,到莫拟卡门事件发生时,这种不满情绪主要表现为投票的选民减少,政治候选人喋喋不休地发表反华盛顿言论,民意测验显示出对政府地信任降到空前的低点。
- Analysis on Public Trust in Government: Problems and Improvement 浅析中国政府公信力现状
- I have perfect trust in my friend. 我完全信赖我的朋友。
- Until Monicagate,the chief evidence for this malaise lay in falling voter turnout,relentless anti-Washington rhetoric spouted by political candidates,and polls suggesting that trust in government was at an all-time low. 到莫拟卡门事件发生时,这种不满情绪主要表现为投票的选民减少,政治候选人喋喋不休地发表反华盛顿言论,民意测验显示出对政府地信任降到空前的低点。
- He is well-thought-of in government circles. 他在政府各部门中很受敬重。
- I have perfect trust in his judgment. 我完全相信他的判断。
- These new measures indicate an about-turn in government policy. 这些新措施表明政府的政策彻底改变了。
- The survey entitled: "No Man is an Island" revealed that countries where people enjoy time with friends and family, have trust in government and national institutions were more likely to be happy than those living in a sunny climate. 这项名为“谁都不是一座岛”的调查发现,与朋友相处得好、家庭幸福、信任政府和国家机关的国民要比那些生活在阳光明媚的国家的人容易快乐。
- I have absolute trust in the (skill of) doctors. 我绝对相信医生(的医术).
- The money is invested principally in government stock. 这笔钱主要投资于政府公债上。
- The three indicators on people's trust in governments use a five-point scale, while the three on confidence use a dichotomous scale. 因此,虽然五项指标的起跌分析可以同步进行,绝对数值的分析便应该分成两种理解。
- I'd like to know what really goes on backstage in government. 我很想知道政府在幕後到底在干些什麽。
- She has implicit trust in her secretary. 她对自己的秘书绝对信任。