- Defines a standalone managed resource for this assembly with the default public resource attribute. 用默认的公共资源属性为此程序集定义独立托管资源。
- This is best whether you are developing an XML format for private usage, or as a shared or public resource. 无论开发私用的XML格式还是作为与他人分享或者公开的资源,这都是最好的办法。
- Let me make it clear that it remains our guiding principle in public resource allocation to provide financial and service support to those who are most in need. 我要表明,致力为社会上最有需要的人士提供经济和服务支援,仍然是我们分配公共资源的指导原则。
- In China, because the cost of putting EPR into practice is very high, most of electronic manufacturers who may use the public resource would not implement EPR. 摘要在我国,由于目前实施“制造商延伸责任制”(EPR)成本的高昂,使得大多数可以利用公共资源的电子制造商不愿意实施EPR。
- The result of this paper can be conduced to break the bulwark between Chinese organizations and will advance the grid values as public resource in China. 本文成果有利于打破单位壁垒,真正发挥网格作为社会资源的价值。
- I believed that this question induces in fact is finally to the sunshine, ventilates the question which how and so on public resource does assign, how enjoys. 我认为,这个问题归纳起来最终实际上是对日照、通风等公共资源怎样分配、怎样享用的问题。
- Eco-tourism product,as a public resource,has competitiveness but not have exclusiveness,so that the development of eco-tourism has a typically negative externalities quality. 作为公有资源的生态旅游产品具有竞争性而没有排他性,使得生态旅游的发展具有典型的负外部性特征。
- "The Tragedy of the Commons" derives from the private use of public resources. “公地悲剧”源于公共资源的私人利用方式。
- The criterion of limited public resource is publicness and unbalance between supply and demand. 而“有限公共资源”的判断标准,是“公共性”与“供需比例关系失衡”。
- Urban space is a public resource, urban planning is the allocation of such resources. 城市空间是一种公共资源,城市规划是对这种资源进行分配。
- The Public Library of Science (PLoS) is a non-profit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource. The Public Library of Science(PLoS)是由科学家及医师组成的致力于将全世界科学及医学文献变成免费公共资源的非赢利组织。
- XMethods is a free public resource that lets Web service providers publish their Web service information for consumption, and provides a central location for Web service consumers. XMethods是免费的公共资源,让Web服务提供者发布他们供大家消费的Web服务信息,并为Web服务消费者提供中心位置。
- But it is also the steward of scarce public resources and the preserver of public goods such as law and order. 但是,通过法律和命令,他同时是稀缺公共资源的管家和公共资产的保护人。
- It did say that future audits should focus on lavish spending and misuse of public resources by government officials. 该机构的确表示,在未来的审计工作中,应关注铺张浪费性支出和政府官员滥用公共资源的情况。
- Among these factors,financial organizations with a monopoly position monopolizing the public resources,greater difficulties for popularizatio... 因此,应采取综合措施促进贫困农村小额信贷的发展。
- At current stage, government still monopolizes most of the public resources, what can be done by non-government organizations? 又试问这些连地方政府都不敢轻易开罪的企业,民间组织能耐其几分何?
- Developing the land assets of SOCs as public resources can help boost up the efficiency of market economics to compensate its inadequacies. 另以全民资源为基础,经由市场经济之效率,弥补市场经济不足。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。