- public prosecution policy 公诉政策
- Some countries prohibit withdrawal public prosecution, e.g.France and Germany. 对撤回公诉持否定态度的主要有法国和德国。
- The police has sent the papers on the fraud to the director of public prosecution. 警察已将有关欺诈的文件寄给公诉部主任。
- All cases requiring initiation of a public prosecution shall be examined for decision by the People's Procuratorates. 第一百三十六条凡需要提起公诉的案件,一律由人民检察院审查决定。
- But he can act as the accusing witness for public prosecution to barter for the penalize exemption. 但可以转而为国家公诉机关担任控方证人,来换取其刑罚的豁免。
- How is Deng Yonggu suspected of calumniatory law case making public prosecution case? 邓永固涉嫌诽谤的案子怎么成为公诉案件了?
- The sixth part introspects to our country"s public prosecution stage procedural diversion system present condition. 第六部分是对我国公诉阶段程序分流制度现状的反思。
- The fourth part analysised the signification of public prosecution stage procedural diversion. 第四部分是评析公诉阶段程序分流的意义。
- Secondly, the legal supervision body consists of the public prosecution institution, which fits to the reality. 其次,由公诉机关做专门的法律监督主体,是最具合理性和现实性的选择;
- Then the criminal law should endow the victims in the cases of public prosecution with right to appeal, equal to that of the accused. 其次,刑事诉讼法应赋予公诉案件被害人的上诉权,平衡于被告人的上诉权。
- For a case of public prosecution that is tried through summary procedure, the People's Procuratorate may send no procurators to the court. 第一百七十五条适用简易程序审理公诉案件,人民检察院可以不派员出席法庭。
- In a word, the arising of civil public prosecution doesn’t mean the end of current civil counterplea of prosecution in China. 换言之,未来民事公诉的兴起,并不意味着我国现行民事抗诉监督制度的必然终结。
- Prosecutorial authority, as one kind of state power, enjoys the power of public prosecution on behalf of the state since it came into being. 检察权作为一种国家权力,从其产生就代表国家享有公诉权。公诉权包括刑事、民事和行政公诉权。这是研究检察机关民事公诉权的理论前提。
- The pretrial review procedure is a transitional phase in criminal procedure, which links up the public prosecution and judgement. 在刑事诉讼中,庭前审查程序是衔接公诉和审判的过渡性阶段。
- As for this , public prosecutor should be a litigant with his public prosecution function strengthened and his supervisory function cancelled. 对此,我国公诉人应当实行当事人化,强化其公诉职能,取消其审判监督职能。
- The adjudicating objects in public prosecution case include criminal facts and actions, relevant names of crime, and sentenced punishments. 刑事公诉案件的审理对象包括犯罪事实与行为、触犯的罪名和应判处的刑罚。
- The third part is the theories foundation of analysis public prosecution stage procedure reposition of redundant personnel. 第三部分是分析公诉阶段程序分流的理论基础。
- If losses have been caused to State property or collective property, the People's Procuratorate may file an incidental civil action while initiating a public prosecution. 如果是国家财产、集体财产遭受损失的,人民检察院在提起公诉的时候,可以提起附带民事诉讼。
- Our prosecution system is independent and effective, and our prosecution policies are applied without fear or favour. 香港的检控制度独立而行之有效,我们更是本着不惧不偏的精神而实施检控政策的。
- Prosecutor is a noble career that working about square things crime, supervision and maintenance of public prosecution, and state laws and corruption struggle. 检察官是个崇高的职业,检察官的工作是对刑事犯罪提起公诉,监督维护国家法律,和贪污腐败做斗争。