- America's public pension scheme is shuffling towards insolvency as the population ages. 随着人口的老龄化,美国民众的养老金计划进展迟缓甚至频临破产。
- A Review of Japan's Public Pension Scheme Reform 日本公共养老金制度改革评析
- Bequest Motives and the Effects of Different Public Pension Scheme 遗产动机与公共养老保险制度的效应分析
- The company pension scheme is non- contributory. 这个公司的退休基金计划是不缴纳费用。
- Contributions to a pension scheme are taken out of a clerk's monthly salary. 养老金计划的款项是从每位职员月工资中直接扣除的。
- You can contract out (of the pension scheme) if you wish. 你愿意的话,可以退出(这个养老金计划).
- Comparative Study on Old- Aging and Public Pension Schemes of Japan and Korea 日韩老龄化和养老保险制度的比较研究
- Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary. 养老金制度中每月的公积金要从薪金中扣除。
- The company pension scheme is non - contributory . 这个公司的退休基金计划是不缴纳费用.
- My company have offered us a pension scheme. 我的公司已为我们提供了退休金计划。
- public pension scheme 养老保险制度
- The company secretary pinned up a notice about the pension scheme . 公司秘书贴出一张退休金方案通知.
- You can increase your monthly contributions to the pension scheme. 你可以增加每月给养老金计划缴纳的款额。
- The company secretary pinned up a notice about the pension scheme. 公司秘书贴出一张退休金方案通知。
- Contributions to a pension scheme are taken out of a teacher's monthly salary. 养老金计划的集资都从教师的月薪里扣除。
- Calculating the cost of a pension scheme depends on two key assumptions. 计算一个养老金计划的成本取决于两个关键假设。
- Japan's main public pension fund is poised to make a sizeable investment in the country's small and mid-cap stocks for the first time. 日本主要的公共养老基金首次准备大举投资该国的中小型股票。
- Can I transfer my benefits from another pension scheme into my AVC account? 我能不能把我的另外一份退休金计划中的金额转到我的自愿额外供款帐户里呢?
- Some investors, like CalPERS, a huge Californian public pension fund, have already experimented with government-hedged green bets at a local level. 有些像加州公务员退休基金的投资者,他们已经在地方试点了政府对冲绿色基金。
- Based on the current policy and experience from other developing countries, this article proposes fours policy suggestions for China's rural public pension system. 根据我国的政策实践和发展中国家的经验,文中提出了扩大我国农村养老金制度覆盖面的四个可选政策方案。