- The third part: The influence of public ownership of land to easement. 第三部分:我国土地公有制对地役权制度的影响。
- Therefore the establishment of easement system must be set in major background of public ownership of land to make it acceptable and effective. 因此,要使建构的地役权制度为国人所接受和认可,进而有效运作,就必须把它放到土地公有制这个大背景下。
- In this paper, the author make an exploitation of easement under the condition of public ownership of land on the foundation of other"s research accomplishment. 本文在借鉴他人研究成果的基础上,对土地公有制条件下的地役权制度进行了探讨。
- Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry. 社会主义的政策有利於在煤炭工业中推行公有制。
- Socialist public ownership of land 土地公有制
- The ownership of land out of possession. 土地所有权源于占有。
- Ownership of land is the bedrock of democracy. 土地所有权是民主的基础。
- Socialist policy favors public ownership of the coal industry. 社会主义政策有利于煤炭工业中的公有制。
- The ownership of land grew out of possession. 土地所有权源于占有.
- Freehold ownership of land with no restriction to it. 没有限制的完全保有的土地所有权。
- Socialist policy favors public ownership of the coal industry . 社会主义政策有利于煤炭工业中的公有制。
- Socialists have long argued for public ownership of the means of production. 社会主义者早就主张生产资料公有制。
- public ownership of land 土地公有制
- The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land. 该计划没有明确地支持土地私有制。
- A public record, survey, or map of the value, extent, and ownership of land as a basis of taxation. 土地清册一种公共的记录、测量或地图,作为征税的凭据来表示土地的价值、范围和所有权
- Public ownership of the means of production constitutes the basis of China's socialist economic system. 中国社会主义经济制度的基础是生产资料的公有制。
- There was a dispute over the ownership of the land. 对那块土地的所有权有争执。
- The original meaning of socialist public ownership is "rebuilding the individual ownership of laborers". 摘要社会主义公有制的本义是“重建劳动者个人所有制”。
- The ownership of the land is disputed. 那土地的所有权有争议。
- But the status of the right of private ownership of property in the Constitution is more infirm than that of the right of public ownership of property. 但是,私有财产权在我国宪法中仅是一种经济权利、物质权利,相对公有财产权来说,它处于弱势地位,同时该权利的实现缺乏可操作性。