- Investigation and Countermeasures of a Public Meteorological Service 一次公众气象服务效益调查分析和对策建议
- public meteorological service 公共气象服务
- The competent meteorological departments at different levels and the meteorological offices and stations subordinate to them shall issue public meteorological forecast and severe weather warning with improved accuracy,timeliness and service. 各级气象主管机构及其所属的气象台站应当提高公众气象预报和灾害性天气警报的准确性、及时性和服务水平。
- The competent meteorological departments at different levels and the meteorological offices and stations subordinate to them shall issue public meteorological forecast and severe weather warning with improved accuracy, timeliness and service. 各级气象主管机构及其所属的气象台站应当提高公众气象预报和灾害性天气警报的准确性、及时性和服务水平。
- The State applies a unified system for the issue of public meteorological forecast and severe weather warning. 国家对公众气象预报和灾害性天气警报实行统一发布制度。
- A rudimentary port meteorological service also existed in the early years of the Hong Kong Observatory. 海港气象服务的雏形在天文台早期历史中已经存在。
- The site features the German Meteorological Service (DWD) which is responsible for the German weather forecastings. 该网站以对德国天气预测负责的德国气象服务为特色。
- Article 22 The State applies a unified system for the issue of public meteorological forecast and severe weather warning. 第二十二条 国家对公众气象预报和灾害性天气警报实行统一发布制度。
- The key technologies of meteorological service to preventing snowmelt flood are showed. 指出了盛夏主汛期流域融雪洪水的气象服务关键技术。
- Part of the revenues from the distribution of meteorological information shall be drawn to support the development of meteorological service. 通过传播气象信息获得的收益,应当提取一部分支持气象事业的发展。
- Public meteorological information service 公众气象信息服务
- On condition that unpaid public welfare meteorological services are guaranteed,meteorological offices and stations may provide paid meteorological services in accordance with law. 气象台站在确保公益性气象无偿服务的前提下,可以依法开展气象有偿服务。
- Meteorological service is a basic public welfare service for economic development,national defense,social development and people's well being. Public welfare meteorological services shall be the first priority in meteorological work. 气象事业是经济建设、国防建设、社会发展和人民生活的基础性公益事业,气象工作应当把公益性气象服务放在首位。
- Each time goes to battle with the former Beijing Olympic Games meteorological service center to hold a prewar brief mobilization deployment for the members. 每次出征前北京奥运气象服务中心都要为队员们举行一个战前简短的动员部署。
- Article 24 Radio and television stations at various levels and news papers designated by people's governments at the provincial level shall arrange particular timeslots or space every day for public meteorological forecast and/or severe weather warning. 第二十四条 各级广播、电视台站和省级人民政府指定的报纸,应当安排专门的时间或者版面,每天播发或者刊登公众气象预报或者灾害性天气警报。
- Article 3 Meteorological service is a basic public welfare service for economic development, national defense, social development and people's well being. Public welfare meteorological services shall be the first priority in meteorological work. 第三条 气象事业是经济建设、国防建设、社会发展和人民生活的基础性公益事业,气象工作应当把公益性气象服务放在首位。
- On condition that unpaid public welfare meteorological services are guaranteed, meteorological offices and stations may provide paid meteorological services in accordance with law. 气象台站在确保公益性气象无偿服务的前提下,可以依法开展气象有偿服务。
- The following is a list of PMOs from whom port meteorological services may be obtained. 名单上的海港气象主任可为志愿观测船舶提供海港气象服务。
- Weather forecast and monitoring will be reinforced to provide timely and accurate meteorological services for large-scale gatherings and sports events. 加强气象预报和监测,为举办大型聚会活动和体育赛事提供及时准确的气象服务。
- Therefore, the thesis has great realistic signification for the meteorological services marketization in China both theoretically and practically. 因此,该项研究不管是在理论层面还是在实践层面对推进我国气象服务市场化都有一定的现实意义。