- public management policy 公共管理政策
- Since public management and public policy are deeply enmeshed in private sector practices, our programme bridges the public-private divide. 课程学制及修读时段灵活,学科皆由本系资深教授亲自授课。
- The company has recently drawn up a formal waste management policy. 该公司最近正式制定了一项废物管理利用政策。
- Management policy: Preciseness, Innovation, Cooperation, Win-win! 经营方针:严谨、创新、合作、共赢!
- The Swedish Agency for Public Management helps to develop Swedish administrative policy and ensures that electronic infrastructure in the public sector is open and secure. 瑞典现代化公共服务管理局主责协助发展行政政策,并确保公共服务的电子基建于公开及稳妥的环境下运作。
- Leading shareholder in the company forces a change in management policy. 公司大股东强行改变管理政策。
- The new publicity manager is really on the ball. 新的宣传部主任确实很内行。
- Leading shareholder in the company forces a change in management policy . 公司大股东强行改变管理政策。
- We must tighten up our management policies. 我们必须强化我们的经营方针。
- An information management policy is a set of rules for a type of content. 信息管理策略是用于某类内容的一组规则。
- We have to enforce our management policies. (我们必须强化我们的经营方针。)
- By the unsustainable fishery management policy of the Hong Kong Government. 特区政府短视的渔业管理政策已。
- The way of public management of sexuality perhaps will shift from mopping up to regulation. 性的公共管理学路向,将可能从扫荡走向管理。
- Leading shareholder in the company force a change in management policy. 公司大股东强行改变管理政策。
- Hampian, Ken. "Bridging the Gap Between City Hall and the Downtown." In Public Management, October 1994. 将市中心与商业区之间的距离缩短。〉,刊于《公众管理》1994年10月号。
- New Public Management( NPM) advances a lot, for it breaks through the stereotype of bureaucratic control. 新公共管理打破了旧公共行政由等级制的官僚组织形式所支配的局面,有其显著的进步性。
- Small profits but quick turnover is our manage policy! 薄利多销!是舜科仪表的经营方针!
- The new public management evolved in the British, which summarizes five characteristics. 发端于英国的新公共管理运动,概括起来有五方面的特征。
- Larry D Terry.Administrative leadership,neo-managerialism,and the public management movement[J].PAR,1998,Vol.58:3. 王丽莉.;新公共管理理论的内在矛盾分析[J]
- Therefore, to evaluate interregional government cooperation it is necessary to have public management point of view. 因此,考量区域政府间合作就不能缺失公共管理视角。