- It is essential to have public leisure places not only in Chinese ancientry cities but also in social life. 传统公共休闲空间是我国古代城市中必不可少的一种空间类型,是城市生活组织的重要组成部分。
- However, in Chinese ancientry city history, we find that public leisure places all long disposte relatively edge status in cities, especially in capital before Tang Dynasty. 但在中国古代城市史中,我们发现,这一空间类型在城市中,尤其是唐代以前的都城中一直是处于较为边缘的地位的。
- public leisure places 公共娱乐空间
- Olympic Park will be the largest leisure place for people. 奥林匹克公园将是人们最大的休闲场所。
- Besides, the AAA state scenic spots like Dajing, the Yunyang Forest Park and so on are your leisure places. 此外,国家AAA旅游景区大京风景区、云阳山国家森林公园等也是旅游的好去处。
- The entire section flow sound of something astir union, the relaxation has, is the movement and the leisure place of ideal. 整段流程动静结合,张弛有度,是运动与休闲的理想之地。
- Amusement and leisure places such as hotels, saloon bars , teahouse s, bath centers , clubs , gymnasiums and stadiums , amusement parks , professional chess and card rooms ,etc. 各个宾馆、酒楼、茶楼、洗浴中心、俱乐部、体育场馆、游乐场、专业棋牌室等娱乐休闲场所;
- Of course, such as Tokyo Disneyland, the Huis Ten Bosch in Nagasaki and other man-made modern commercial entertainment, leisure places much higher fees. 当然,像东京的迪斯尼乐园、长崎的豪斯登堡等人造的现代商业性娱乐、休闲场所的收费要高得多。
- As the pleasure and leisure place, it is more important for the individuation and rationalization of bar s luminous environment. 酒吧作为休闲交际和享受酒文化的地方,个性化、合理的光环境就更具有重要意义。
- In view of the unsatisfactory condition of Shing Mun River in Shatin, students suggested a beautification plan by adding greenery on both sides of the river, thus providing a leisure place for the residents. 沙田城门河环境未如理想,同学设计了一个河畔改善工程,建议绿化城门河两岸,为居民提供一个休憩的地方。
- Keep your dog on the lead in public places. 在公共场所你得用皮带牵著狗。
- Most Moslem women wear veils in public places. 大多数穆斯林妇女在公共场所都戴着面纱。
- Create a Green Public Leisure Space in Shopping Centre by Using Roof Garden 利用屋顶绿化创建集中商业区绿色公共休闲空间
- Anshan is a leisurely place where you can hang up your coat, take off your burdens, and relax. 鞍山是一座轻松而从容的城市,在这里你可以抛却负担、享受轻松。
- A sign or notice for display in a public place. 布告标语牌为在公共场合展示的通知或标语
- I don't hold with letting people smoke in public places. 我不赞成让人们在公众场合抽烟。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- The face of the steel jungle of noise enveloped the city, life itself becomes a challenge, so eager to open the hearts of a comfortable leisurely place, a relatively pure space. 面对着钢铁丛林笼罩的喧嚣都市,生活本身成为一种挑战,于是渴望着一个舒适悠然的心灵休憩之地,一个相对的纯净空间。