- A north-south strip of townships, each six miles square, numbered east and west from a specified meridian in a U.S. public land survey. 六英里城镇分区美国公地测量中以某条特定子午线为起点,从东向西标号,占地六平方公里的一系列南北条状城镇
- A public land surveying unit of36 sections or36 square miles. 一种公共土地的测量单位,为36平方英里
- a north-south strip of townships,each six miles square,numbered east and west from a specified meridian in a U.S. public land survey 美国公地测量中以某条特定子午线为起点,从东向西标号,占地六平方公里的一系列南北条状城镇
- The enclosure of public land mean that ordinary people can not use it. 公共土地的圈围意味著普通人将不能使用它。
- Article 27 The State fosters land survey system. 第二十七条 国家建立土地调查制度。
- public land survey 土地测量
- The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people couldn't use it. 公共土地的圈围意味著普通人将不能使用它。
- A fine for dumping trash on public land; dumped the extra gear overboard. 因在公用土地上倾倒垃圾而受的罚款; 把多余的装备丢到船外
- People shouldn't dump trash on public land. 人们不应在公共场所倾倒垃圾。
- Public Land Mobile Network. Another name for a GSM phone network. 陆上公用移动通信网,gsm电话网络的别名。
- The long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. 长距离激光测距仪是特别设计用来地面测量.;它适用于远距离测量,精度高,功能广泛,便于携带,而且容易操作。它还可用于不同的环境测量,河道、航道,标竿,电信,电缆,地质测量,气象、机场、森林等。
- A residential suburb or community planned so as to provide a pleasant environment with low-density housing and open public land. 花园城市设计能提供具有低密度建筑和开阔公共土地的宜人环境的居民区或居住地
- The same ethic is applicable to cultural artifacts found on public land. 同样的道德原则适用于在公共场所发现的文化遗产。
- The office provides land survey services for land administration purposes such as land sale, lease modifications and land resumption. 该处为卖地、契约修订及收地等土地管理事宜,提供土地测量服务。
- PLMN Public Land Mobile Network. Another name for a GSM phone network. 陆上公用移动通信网,GSM电话网络的别名。
- A fine for dumping trashon public land; dumped the extra gear overboard. 因在公用土地上倾倒垃圾而受的罚款;把多余的装备丢到船外。
- The office provides land survey services for land administration purposes such as land sale,lease modifications and land resumption. 该处为卖地、契约修订及收地等土地管理事宜,提供土地测量服务。
- The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people could no longer use it. 公用地的围场表示普通人不能再使用它。
- The social groups and entities and individuals related to the land survey shall assist in the land survey work according to the provisions of this Regulation. 社会团体以及与土地调查有关的单位和个人应当依照本条例的规定,配合土地调查工作。
- The Act protects all unbranded horses and burros on public lands from capture. 这个法令保护公共土地的所有野生马与毛驴免遭捕获。