- public goods for rural areas 农村公共物品
- Then the author analyses the inadequate supply of public goods in rural areas, and use econometric method to prove the conclusion. 进一步分析了现行体制下农村公共产品供给短缺的现状,并利用计量方法对此进一步加以证明。
- Innovation of the system and expansion of the private provision of rural public goods will be a efficient way to alleviate inadequate supply of public goods in rural areas. 通过体制创新,在有效的公共政策的框架下扩大农村公共产品的私人供给,这是缓解农村公共产品供给不足的有效途径。
- Culture and sports public goods in rural areas 农村文体公共产品
- new public goods supply institution in rural areas 新型农村公共产品供给制度
- supply of public goods in the rural areas 农村公共产品供给
- Supply of Public Goods in Rural Areas 农村公共产品
- It sets a good example for rural areas to recombine divers productivities optimally, realize overstepping and sustainable development in economy, culture and environment. 为各种生产力要素的优化组合,为乡村社会经济文化环境的跨越式和可持续发展发挥示范效应。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- the supply of public goods in rural area 农村公共产品供给
- This is a mail delivery service for rural areas, places that are far from big cities. 这是对远离城市的乡村地区免费递送邮件的服务项目。
- Nonpoint pollution control for rural areas of China with ecological engineering technologies. 用生态工程技术控制农村非点源水污染。
- Fresh air and exercise are good for the health. 新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。
- The government spends 80 percent of its health budget on the cities, leaving only 20 percent for rural areas where most of China's people live. 政府花费80%25的医疗预算在城市,而只留给20%25的费用给大部分人居住的农村。
- Whisky can be good for you if taken in moderation. 威士忌酒如饮用适度是有益的。
- Will import the new being modernized , scientize thought , new blood for rural area. 将给农村输入现代化、科学化的新思想、新血液。
- The goods for sale are set out attractively. 出售的货物陈列得非常诱人。
- The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service is the website of the Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA). 美国国家可持续农业信息服务网是适于农业范围的技术转让(ATTRA)的网站。
- But the government can hardly provide enough public goods for the society because the demands of public goods are increasing and the public sectors always inefficiently use public finance. 然而受政府财力不足、政府运营公共资金的低效率以及人们对各种公共物品的需求不断增加等因素的影响,政府提供的公共物品严重不足,不能满足经济和社会发展的需要。