- The Law of Public Communication, by Kent R. Middleton/Bill F. Chamberlin.. 联系我们-网站帮助-广告合作-下载声明-友情连接-网站地图
- You do not have the authority, legally or morally, to obstruct public communication. 不论就法律或道德而言,你都无权阻碍大众通讯。
- One of the obvious characteristics of public communication is strong unidirectivity and weak feedback mechanism. 摘要大众传播的显著特点之一是单向性强,反馈机制弱。
- B-ISDN, SONET, SDH, and ATM for public communication network,LAN and MAN for private communication, including FDDI, slotted ring,and DQDB proposals. 以及公用通信网数字化、综合化、宽带化组成B-ISDN,同步光纤网,同步数字体系,异步转移方式; 专用通信网的局域网(LAN和MAN),光纤分布数据接口,分隙环(slotted ring),分布排队双总线等新建议。
- In the development of mass media, public communication as a criticism to the market played an important role in modifying the practice of the media. 摘要在大众媒体的发展过程中,公共传播作为市场失灵的反思对媒体实践起到了重要的修正作用。
- But in the rise of the new media, the deflection of market operetion possibly leads to their gradual loss of public communication and core value. 但随着新兴媒体的迅速兴起,由于其对市场运营的偏向,公共传播及其核心价值存在逐步缺失的倾向。
- Public communication: whether activities are effective? Whether end intercepting capability is weak? Whether event marketing action is slow? 促销公关:促销活动是否有效?终端拦截能力弱?事件营销反应慢?
- The digital service offered the PTTs and other public communication carriers three very appealing characteristics: enhanced quality, economy, and flexibility. 译文:数字业务给PTT和其他公共通信载体提供了三个非常诱人的特征:高质量、经济性和灵活性。
- On the other hand, as a type of the public communication space,the central space, gets its own characteristic and livingness from the activities of the human beings. 另一方面,中心空间是城镇公共交往空间的一种类型,它自身的特色与活力系由城镇中人们的活动所赋予。
- The establishment of the domestic satellite public communication network,with more than 70,000 satellite telephone channels,has initially solved the problem of communication in remote areas. 中国已建成国内卫星公众通信网,国内卫星通信话路达7万多条,初步解决了边远地区的通信问题。
- The establishment of the domestic satellite public communication network, with more than 70,000 satellite telephone channels, has initially solved the problem of communication in remote areas. 中国已建成国内卫星公众通信网,国内卫星通信话路达7万多条,初步解决了边远地区的通信问题。
- From the point of view of semeiology and mass-communication, this paper analyzed the symbolization characteristics of public communication of fashion culture as well as the causation and course. 本论文从符号学与传播学的角度,对现代流行服饰文化传播中的符号化特征及其形成的原因和过程进行了分析,针对当今流行服饰文化的媒体呈现方式和巨大影响进行探讨。
- In an era of highly developed printing and public communication, its most popular printing mode and spreading method have been just “typing” and “mimeograph” in almost 30 years! 在柯式印刷、公众传播高度发达的年代,在近30年历史的大部分年头里,它最流行的印刷方式和传播手段,竟是““打字””和和““油印”!
- By using auto-control technology and public communication network, the remote monitoring and control center exerted control of MBR, and then obtained real time operating parameters. 利用自控技术与公共通讯网络在远程监控中心可对MBR实施控制,并可实时获得运行参数。
- The American Public Communications Council, which is part of the North American Telecommunications Association (NATA). 美国公众通信理事会,是北美电信协会(NATA)的一部分。
- My conclusion is that the plot type, the demography characteristic and the public community participation are the influence public service factor. 研究的模型的结论是小区类型、人口学特征和公众社区参与是影响公共服务的因素。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- A high dependence on imported equipment and technology characterizes China’s communications, all the way from the average beeper user to the State Public Communications Network. 因为,从无线寻呼机的普通用户到国家的大众传播网用户,中国通讯太过分依赖进口设备和技术了。