- A public nuisance offends the public at large. 一般说来,公害是对大众的侵害。
- These schemes have been well received by the public at large. 实施中的计划运作良好,并获市民普遍欢迎。
- As we all need a habitat whether owned or rented, the proposals would affect the public at large. 无论我们是自置物业或是租住地方,均需要一个安居之所,因此,有关建议会影响整个社会。
- That the newspaper's duty is to its readers and to the public at large, and not to the privateinterests of its owner. 报纸要对读者和普通民众负责,而不是对报社老板的私利负责。
- In passing the law, Congress had chosen "between the author and the public at large," he said. 他说,在通过该法案时,国会已经在“作者和普通大众之间”作出选择了。
- The offer may be made to an individual, or to a group of persons, or to the public at large. 要约可以向一个人或一群人或大众作出。
- Yan Gallery endeavors to introduce a broad tange of contemporary Chinese art to the public at large. 画廊力求将范围广泛的当代中国艺术介绍给广大的观众。
- Its primary aim is to inform the public at large about the benefits of joining the Society. 它最初的目的是详尽地告诉民众加入这个协会的好处。
- Dedicator makes this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of the Dedicator's heirs and successors. 奉献者为全体的公众并且到奉献者的继承人和继承人的损害的利益做这奉献。
- The Panel discussed the paper on the trend movements in oil prices and the impact of high oil prices on the economy and the general public at large. 事务委员会讨论有关近期的燃油价格走势,以及高油价对本港整体经济和市民所带来的影响的文件。
- The Delegation added that in the WPPT, there was a preamble relating to the lack of balance between the titleholders and the public at large. 该代表团还说,在《表演和录音制品条约》的序言中提到,版权持有人同一般公众之间缺少平衡。
- Despite the number of people who suffer epilepsy, however, it seems the public at large cannot be taught how to effectively help a person who has a seizure. 尽管有那么多癫痫患者,但是普通大众并没有被教导如何有效的帮助癫痫患者。
- WIPO must take into account in all its key policy and technical committees the interests of the consumers, the public at large and those of rightholders. WIPO必须考虑到把消费者、广大公众及知识产权权利人的利益纳入其所有主要的政策和技术委员会考虑的范围之内。
- The public at large, pedestrians and pederasts, goldfish and spun glass palm trees, donkeys sobbing, all circulating freely through quincuncial alleys. 众人都自由自在地在五星状的胡同里过来过去,行人和男同性恋者、鱼和玻璃丝样的棕桐树,驴子在抽泣。
- "They're helping us to raise the visibility and the attention that's needed by the American public at large," said Schoomaker, a lieutenant general. “他们正帮我们让全美了解和关注这件事,”休梅克中尉说道。
- Dedicator makes this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of the Dedicator 's heirs and successors. 奉献者为全体的公众并且到奉献者的继承人和继承人的损害的利益做这奉献。
- But Stephen Green of pressure group Christian Voice said: “Bendy-buses, like atheism, are a danger to the public at large. 但王志浩的压力集团基督教声音说: “挂接巴士一样,无神论,是一个危险的广大公众。
- The populace at large are opposed to sudden change. 人民群众普遍反对突然实行的变革。
- To the public at large,we tend to behave quite differently believing that,as they are strangers to us,we have no social obligations to be civil to them. 对于其他的人,我们的行为和态度却往往大不相同。因为彼此不认识,我们觉得没有必要对陌生人以礼相待。
- The question is discussed at large in my report. 我在报告中对该问题作了详细的探讨。