- Digital signatures rely on public key cryptography. 数字签名依赖于公共密钥加密学。
- The primary disadvantage of public key cryptography is speed. 公共密钥加密的主要缺点是速度。
- This asymmetry is the property that makes public key cryptography so useful. 这个非对称的特性使得公钥加密很有用。
- Be signed with a strong name using standard public key cryptography. 使用标准公钥密码系统用强名称签名。
- Analyze the differentiate ahout Secret and Public key cryptography in EB. 浅析私钥和公钥加密技术的区别。
- We recommend using your favorite public key cryptography algorithm for digital signatures. 我们推荐您将自己喜欢的公钥密码学演算法用于数位签章。
- The Set Registry tool allows you to change the registry settings for public key cryptography. 设置注册表工具使您得以更改公钥密码的注册表设置。
- The sequence shows how public key cryptography makes digital signatures and message encryption possible. 这一系列活动显示出公钥加密如何使得数字签名和邮件加密成为可能。
- The following figure shows the sequence of encrypting with the supporting elements of public key cryptography. 下图显示在具有公钥加密的支持元素的情况下进行加密的顺序。
- The most important supporting concept for message security is public key cryptography. 在邮件安全领域,最重要的支持性概念是公钥加密。
- Multi-exponentiation is one of the important operation for public key cryptography. 摘要 多个指数运算的乘积是公钥密码学中的一种重要运算。
- Elliptic curve cryptography(ECC) is an important subject in the field of public key cryptography. 椭圆曲线密码体制是公钥密码学领域的一个重要课题。
- Digital signature is one of the most important primitives in public key cryptography. 数字签名在公钥密码学中有着非常重要的地位。
- The working principle of RSA public key cryptography in a systemic way is introduced, and its security is analyzed. 摘要文章系统的介绍了RSA公钥密码体制的工作原理,并对其进行了安全性分析。
- The scheme perfectly integrates digital signature scheme with public key cryptography system . 该方案是数字签名与公钥密码体制的有机集成.
- The reciprocal nature of the relationship of the key pair makes this unique identification possible through public key cryptography. 密钥对关系中的互补性本质使得通过公钥加密实现这种唯一标识成为可能。
- The sequence shows how public key cryptography provides support for the core services of message encryption: confidentiality and data integrity. 这一系列活动显示出公钥加密如何为邮件加密的下列核心服务提供支持:保密性和数据完整性。
- For more information about this signing operation, see "Public Key Cryptography and Digital Signatures" in Understanding Public Key Cryptography. 有关此签名操作的详细信息,请参阅了解公钥加密中的“公钥加密和数字签名”。
- The following figure shows the sequence of decrypting with the addition of the supporting elements of public key cryptography. 下图显示在添加了公钥加密的支持元素的情况下进行解密的顺序。