- Why is pubic hair not very hot those who coil exceptionally? 为什么阴毛不烫卷的出奇?
- Crab lice are small, light brown, flat insects that cling to pubic hair. 阴虱是附着在阴毛上的浅棕色的扁平小虫。
- Great lovers know to start with light, gentle caresses that barelytouch the inner thighs and pubic hair. 好的爱人知道如何用光和亲切的爱抚让伴侣产生性欲,他们很少粗鲁的直达敏感地带。
- They were used to comb the pubic hair of high-class courtesans. An indication of luxurious life was for these people. 高级妓女梳理阴毛用,可见当时这些人的生活是多么奢华、讲究。
- It is usually felt in the middle of the lower abdomen, above the line of pubic hair as far up as the navel. 疼痛通常发生在下腹部中间,高于阴毛直至肚脐的位置。
- Steve Kemp: What's the mole just above her pubic hair look like to you? To me it looks like a question mark. 史蒂夫肯普:对你来说她阴部上的那块痣斑看起来像什么?对我来说它就像一个问号。
- This pubic hair also can buy fund, discuss to scrape her wool with old fogey go buying. 这阴毛也能买钱,便和老头子商量把她的毛刮掉去买。
- Objective: To search the application of hair autotransplantation to cure bald, losses of eyebrow, lash and pubic hair. 目的:探索应用自体毛发移植术治疗各种原因引起的秃发及眉毛、睫毛和阴毛缺损。
- And the next maturational item available is the first appearance of pigmented pubic hair (11 .2 years). 而紧接着成熟的就是变色阴毛的第一次出现(11.2岁)。
- Conclusions Under strict antiseptic technique and perineum nursing routine,changing pubic hair shaving scope is practicable for lying-in woman. 结论我们认为在严格遵循产前会阴消毒及产后会阴伤口护理常规的情况下,改进经阴道分娩的产妇阴部备皮范围是可行的。
- Every vagina would be my grave, every clitoris my headstone, and by way of tribute perhaps you could even shave my epitaph into your pubic hair. 条条阴道做我坟,颗颗阴蒂竖我碑,若拜祭起兴,亦不妨镌我碑文于尔耻毛之上。
- Without some protective lubrication, the glans of the penis may soon begin to hurt as it rubs against the partner's pubic hair. 如果没有具有保护作用的一些润滑剂,因为阴茎头会与性伴的阴毛发生摩擦,可能不久就会开始受损。
- Prostate normally atrophic, the hair of beard, pubic hair, armpit hair and other part decreases, but disappear not completely. 前列腺通常萎缩,胡须、阴毛、腋毛以及其他部分的毛发减少,但不完全消失。
- While most of them have finer hair around their genitals than on the rest of their body, adult humans sport an impressively thick bush of pubic hair. 尽管大多数灵长类动物在生殖器周围的毛发也要比身体其他地方来得细软,可是成年人会炫耀他们的令人印象深刻的一大丛厚实的阴毛。
- He gets up, scratching the grey wedge of belly and pubic hair, shuffles to the gas burner, pours leftover coffee in a chipped enamel pan;the flame swathes it in blue. 他爬起来,抓了抓下腹和阴毛,迷迷糊糊地走到煤气炉前,把剩下的咖啡倒入一个有了裂缝的瓷锅里---,蓝色的火苗刹时把它包围了起来。
- On the outside, the area is covered with pubic hair, which first develops during puberty, and which makes the mons veneris by far the most conspicuous part of the vulva. 阴毛在青春期首次萌发,并且使得她在阴户是最显著的结构。
- It has long been assumed that pubic hair is a remnant of a furrier period in our evolutionary history, and that the real question is why the rest of the body lost its hirsuteness. 长期以来一直认为,阴毛是人类进化史上有皮毛阶段的残余物,而真正的问题在于为什么我们身体的其他地方所留下过多的毛发却已经不见了。
- Pubic lice (pediculosis pubis) is caused by the infestation of the pubic hair and skin by tiny organisms that are just at the limits of visibility without magnification. 公共虱子(阴虱)所致感染的皮肤和头发的嘛;只是在小小的有机体能见度无界限放大.
- The attack, builds the atmosphere first gradually, do not start directly.May massage gently first by the navel to the pubic hair, and caresses the thigh inside. 一步一步进攻,先营造气氛,不要直接开始。可先由肚脐轻轻按摩至阴毛,并爱抚大腿内侧。
- After applying it, I raked through my pubic hair with a special nit comb, and what I came away with was a real eye-opener: these little monsters who'd been feasting for weeks on my flesh. 抹了药膏之后,我又用一把专门刮虱子的梳子仔细梳遍了所有的头发,结果让我大开眼界。那把梳子上沾满了虱子,而且那些家伙已经靠进食我的血肉,在我头发上逍遥好几个星期了。