- Pseudo random test sequences 伪随机测试序列
- pseudo random test pattern 伪随机测试模式
- Experiments on ISCAS circuits show that, compared with the pseudo random BIST, SWR-BIST effectively reduces the test power by 74%. 在ISCAS电路上实验的结果,相较于传统自我测试技术,区段加权乱数自我测试技术可以减少74%25的功率消耗。
- Lcg_value() returns a pseudo random number in the range of (0, 1). lcg_value()返回范围为(0,1)的一个伪随机数。
- You rush to the site and run a random test. 您赶到出事地点,运行了一个随机测试。
- When they click the menu command, Word will start and create a new test spec. 单击菜单命令时,Word将启动并创建新的测试规范。
- The scheme applies squarewave test signals in conjunction with pseudo random patterns to induce glitches which are caused by crosstalk faults and tests them. 本测试方法利用提供一个测试方波,并结合乱数产生器,以此来引发并测试待测电路中因串音障碍所引起的短暂脉波。
- Pseudo random sequence has broad applications in stream cipher, channel coding, and spread spectrum communication. 伪随机序列在流密码、信道编码、频通信等领域有着广泛的应用.
- In other words, if the test spec and test executable aren't in synch, the test executable won't run. 换句话说,如果测试规范与测试可执行程序不同步,测试可执行程序将无法运行。
- The discrete random numbers is generated from a continuous pseudo random variable scaled by rng, mean shifted by vsh and dicretized by step size drv. 离散随机数值取自一连续随机变数乘以缩放比、并以等阶梯大小离散化及平均值位移而得。
- The first step is to pass the Range object (containing the test areas from the edited test spec) as the argument to the Serialize call. 第一步是将Range对象(包含已编辑测试规范中的测试区域)作为参数传递给Serialize调用。
- Experiments are made using a polar-meter for measuring the degree of polarization of a 10 Gbit/s RZ and NRZ pseudo random sequence,respectively. 利用10Gbit/s的伪随机序列分别在归零码(RZ)和非归零(NRZ)下实验测量了DOP随DGD变化的关系。
- The discrete random numbers is generated from a continuous pseudo random variable scaled by rng, dicretized by step size drv and shifted by vsh. 离散随机数值取自一连续随机变数乘以缩放比、以等阶梯大小离散化及位移而得。
- Since the XML data includes class names of implemented test code, the test spec is not a dead document but a living document that is always synchronized with test code. 由于XML数据包括已实现的测试代码的类名,因此,测试规范不是一个死文件,而是一个始终与测试代码同步的活文件。
- An image steganographic algorithm based on Module Operation (MO) and Pseudo Random Number(PRN) is proposed to enhance the capacity of steganography. 提出了一种基于模运算的图像隐写算法。
- The rec tag child nodes of the grp tag were added by merging external XML data files with the test spec's XML file in the Compile() method I'll document shortly. grp标记的rec标记子节点是通过在Compile()方法中将外部XML数据文件与测试规范的XML文件合并添加的,后面我会简要介绍这种方法。
- Pseudo random sequences have many applications in the field of cryptography,and it becomes one of the most important subjects in cryptography. 随机序列在密码学中有广泛的应用,随机序列发生方法已成为密码学的重要研究课题之一。
- If you look at the sample WordXml.Net test spec (in the source code download) you will see that set 1 uses two classes to implement test setup and cleanup procedures. 查看示例WordXml.;Net测试规范(在源代码下载中);您会发现Set 1使用两个类实现测试安装和清除过程。
- This paper mainly investigated the excitation system parameter identification basedon the M sequence of pseudo random signal. 本文主要研究用M序列伪随机信号对励磁系统参数的辨识问题。
- It is found that KB interleaver can improve the performance of turbo code with pseudo random interleaver or S-random interleavers. 仿真证实,以伪随机交织器和S随机交织器为基础的KB交织器可以显著提高系统性能。