- Prudent man always fits his standard of living to his budget. 谨慎的人总是使他的生活水平符合他的收支预算。
- Wild horse would not drag it from the prudent man. 休想从这个谨慎的人那里探到口风。
- A prudent man saves part of his wages. 深谋远虑的人会将一部分工资存起来。
- Every prudent man acts with knowledge, But a fool displays folly. 凡通达人都凭知识行事.愚昧人张扬自己的愚昧。
- But the glass-cutter was a prudent man who had provided for all emergencies. 但那个划玻璃的是一个心思很周到的人,他带着各种应急的用具。
- A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps. 愚蒙人是话都信;通达人步步谨慎。
- Every prudent man acts out of knowledge, but a fool exposes his folly. 凡通达人都凭知识行事;愚昧人张扬自己的愚昧。
- A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. 愚妄人的恼怒,立时显露。通达人能忍辱藏羞。
- A fool's anger is known at once, But a prudent man conceals dishonor. 愚妄人的恼怒、立时显露.通达人能忍辱藏羞。
- It is the careless man that will suffer; never will the prudent man fall into a trap. 只有大意吃亏,没有小心上当。
- A prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself, but the heart of fools blurts out folly. 23通达人隐藏知识。愚昧人的心,彰显愚昧。
- A prudent man would scarcely be persuaded that a listless, lounging fellow, would be economical or trust-worthy. 谨慎的人不可能是毫无目标懒散的家伙,他是个节约而且值得信赖的人。
- I'm being prudent, I've always been a prudent man, there is nothing I find so little to my taste as carelessness in life. 在生活中,我发现粗心大意最不合我的脾气。 女人和儿童粗心大意一下倒没有什么,男人一粗心大意可就不得了。
- Which was with the deputy of the country, Sergius Paulus, a prudent man; who called for Barnabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God. 这人常和方伯士求保罗同在、士求保罗是个通达人.他请了巴拿巴和扫罗来、要听神的道。
- Which was with the deputy of the country, Sergius Paulus, a prudent man; who called for Barnabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God. 7这人常和方伯士求保罗同在,士求保罗是个通达人。他请了巴拿巴和扫罗来,要听神的道。
- The transition from the prudent man rule to the prudent investor rule indicts the need of market, and diversification of the endowment funds to maximize the total return on its endowment fund. 从谨慎人规则演变到谨慎投资者规则顺应了市场需求,体现了捐赠基金投资多样化和回报最大化的客观要求。
- A stunt man needs to have a good guardian angel. 当特技替身演员的得有个守护天使来保佑。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- The accused man said he had been framed. 被告说他受人陷害了。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。